
Be Aware And Embrace Life

(Written by: Acharya Mahaprajna)

The whole world is one; it's a synthesis. Life is possible only through cooperation. All species and sub-species, all that exists, is the result of synthesis, of integration.

Disintegration means decay. The order of the universe would get disturbed with division and discord.

The science of environment underlines the importance of union for survival, of the desirability of not interfering with natural processes, of not upsetting nature's equilibrium, so that there is no confusion.

Greed and exploitation of natural resources has led to pollution, including that of the earth's atmosphere. The protective layer that scientists call the ozone layer surrounding earth shields us from the ill effects of direct radiation from the sun. The erosion of this protective cover could mean the end of life, if nothing is done to reverse the erosion.

It is, therefore, essential that we cultivate a constructive approach towards the environment.

For the evolution of constructive thinking, it is necessary to purify our consciousness. As it is, our consciousness is battling impurities; it is so identified with things and ideas. It must rid itself of all identification, so as to be capable of fitting in with the other and with society.

Violence, untruth and sense of possession and domination characterising our consciousness now needs to be got rid of. Our consciousness must be cleansed of these impurities; otherwise our approach will continue to be negative and destructive.

The first step towards achieving this goal is to transform our outlook from the materialistic to the holistic - by becoming more aware.

This is not an impossible goal; it can be done if an individual can learn to be sober, simple and tolerant; and become more a witness who is aware.

A negative attitude is caused by our materialistic approach that has made us too attached to material things.

The moment we see things for what they are, we would be able to understand the true value of material objects, and would never aspire to gain domination over them.

We would then realise the essential humanity of the other and see the other as being a part of us.

Otherwise, every situation will seem problematic; problems keep multiplying without any possibility of a solution. In such a scenario, even religion becomes a problem.

The only way out of this vicious cycle is to become less rigid in our thinking and in the way we feel and act.

Get rid of stereotypical conduct that makes us live a life of dejection. We need to be mindful and compassionate.

There are two kinds of insensitivity: Confused vision and thoughtless conduct.

A mediator must clearly understand that the first priority is to chastise attitudes by getting rid of ignorance. This would require experimentation and experience. Learn to experience truth.

Practise meditation. Mere accumulation of information and even knowledge is not enough. Practice combined with theory yields valuable results.

Know the value of the present moment. Gain insight by being a witness, by becoming more aware.

May our hearts be filled with an intense longing for liberation so that we may progress undeterred on the path of awareness and oneness. Therein lies our salvation.

Contributed by: harinag49 @ yahoo.co.in

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Say, Enough Is Enough - Contenment

(Written by: Homayun Taba)

It is no longer cool to use the word `contentment' for the simple reason that currently; the constantly heard or read words are aspiration, acquisition, more and growth. It's time, therefore, to revisit the meaning of contentment.

True contentment does not ask us to end aspiration or advancement, but asks us to appreciate and enjoy what we've got before we can focus on getting more.

Many, after getting something for which they hankered after, immediately begin a new search for something different; the process never seems to end. At times we even forget why we needed something or someone. Discontent can become an addiction.

Things, people and situations do diminish in charm or utility; you often feel the need for change.

It is perhaps not practical to say: "I am content with my typewriter and have no desire for a computer."

However, there seems to be a tendency to be dissatisfied with whatever one has, from possessions and relationships, to one's city or country.

Is the grass really greener on the other side? - Unlikely.

There are two dynamics operating here:

·         The locus can be internal; the person in general is restless, unhappy and dissatisfied.

·         Or it is triggered by external factors; one's discontent is caused by what one sees, desires or is tempted by.

Contentment was regarded as a sadhana, a spiritual observance, its focus being the mobilisation of one's own mechanism of resistance to acquiring, intended to help one arrive at a state of needlessness. This is not easy even for sages.

It is helpful to see contentment as a state of being that brings with it a certain measure of wakefulness. This creates a sense of comfort with whatever one has at the moment – and is a cure for dwelling on what one lacks.

Contentment carries a component of thankfulness. Contentment may be described as a place between boredom and greed, between the burdensome and need for the novel.

In Sanskrit, contentment is referred to as santosh and better translated as fulfillment, distinguished from ashutosh – one who gets satisfied easily but perhaps also temporarily.

In this age of quantity and variety, how else could one find protection against the virus of discontent? Masters across cultures have invited us to observe the beautiful effects of contentment, an invaluable asset that helps us find a positive orientation in life. Everyone cannot be a mahatma; we could at least try to find contentment in whatever way we can.

"To know you have enough is to be rich," offered Lao-Tzu; and so say the Taoists, Thoreau, Zen masters and Sufis.

Contentment offers us a method, a particular angle of viewing certain kinds of truths that are better approached and achieved by this path.

Contentment does not mean closing your eyes and ears to reality, or shunning the new; it focuses on being discerning, so that we become `open-eyed perceivers'.

Where do we draw the line and say `enough is enough' so that we can achieve balance between what we can acquire and what we can use, big or small?

The wisdom of life, as always, consists in the elimination of non-essentials.

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Keys To Contentment

We pray for…

·         Health enough to make work a pleasure

·         Wealth enough to support your needs

·         Strength enough to battle with difficulties and overcome them

·         Grace enough to confess your sins and forsake them

·         Patience enough to toil until some good is accomplished

·         Charity enough to see some good in your neighbors

·         Love enough to move you to be useful and helpful to others

·         Faith enough to make real things of God

·         Hope enough to remove all anxious fears concerning the future.

Contributed by: harinag49 @ yahoo.co.in

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Positive Thinking - You Are What You Think

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that anticipates happiness, success and favorable outcomes in every situation or action you do. The thoughts get registered in your subconscious mind and you start taking action to create favorable change.

A positive outlook can help you to cope better with stressful situations and can change your life for the better.

Why Think Positively?

Ever wondered why some people find learning an enjoyable and exciting experience?

Why are some people disinterested and find learning an unpleasant experience while others use it merely as a road to fetch a good job?

The difference between these people lies in their attitude and their approach towards life.

Your mindset plays a huge role in every aspect of your life.

Your mind can control your body for better or for worse. A negative mindset can mar your life while a positive mindset can make your life happy and peaceful. The choice is yours!

Ways To Develop Positive Thinking

You cannot change your thoughts and attitude over night. Positive thinking takes practice.

Persistence would make your mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts.

Benefits Of Positive Thinking

·         Decreases stress.

·         Helps you cope better in stressful situations.

·         Strengthens your Immune System and reduces the risk of certain diseases.

·         Improves your self-esteem and confidence.

·         Brings inner peace, happiness and a sense of well-being.

·         Motivates you to accomplish your goals.

·         Helps you have greater inner strength and energy.

·         Helps you live longer.

Listen To Your Inner Voice

Listening to your inner voice or instincts is one of the most common ways to develop positive thinking.

Whenever any negative thoughts enter your mind, try to replace it with a constructive one. For example, "I won't be able to do it" will be put forward as "I will do it".

Practice this regularly and you will soon be able to master your mind.

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Learn To Meditate

Meditation calms your mind and relaxes your body.

Meditation gives you inner strength, peace of mind, relaxation and a sense of bliss, which will help you to think positively.

Always See The Brighter Side Of Life

Try to believe that everything happens for a reason and embrace the concept that something good will come out of every situation that momentarily seems bad.

Always look on the bright side of life and it will work wonders for you.

Learn To Communicate Effectively

Not saying the things you feel can give a sense of frustration, anxiety and anger, thus giving way to negative thoughts. Hence, communication is an important aspect of positive thinking.

Believe In Yourself

Believe in yourself and your capabilities to become more confident.

Make a positive commitment to your self and to the people around you.

Praise yourself and be enthusiastic.

Tips To Positive Thinking

·         Be optimistic and expect favorable outcomes in every situation.

·         Cultivate the habit of reading inspiring books.

·         Find reasons to smile more often. It's a great stress buster.

·         Try to use positive words, e.g. "I can", "it will be done", "it is possible" while thinking and talking.

·         Engage yourself in enjoyable recreational activities.

·         Interact with people who have a positive outlook in life.


Positive thinking needs consistent effort as you are creating a new habit.

On the other hand, negative thoughts can rip your focus from your goal.

There is no greater joy than living a healthy and positive life.

So take charge of your mind and think positive. Remember, you are what you think

Contributed by: harinag49 @ yahoo.co.in

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Strengthening Weak Teeth

Have you ever wondered why teeth become loose? And have you observed that in earlier times it was more common to come across people who had all their teeth removed and replaced with a new set of artificial dentures? Fortunately, this is on the decrease, thanks to the progress of dentistry over the years.

Teeth are anchored to the jaw bones firmly by a thin elastic tissue called the periodontal ligament. Factors which affect the ligament and the supporting bone can loosen the teeth resulting in mobility of varying degrees or thus weakening the teeth. This situation may be acute, temporary and reversible, chronic, long-standing or manageable. The former is invariable painful and may or may not have infection while the latter may be painless and is usually accompanied with some amount of infection. Teeth loosening in some cases may be so bad the teeth may be exfoliated.

There are systemic, genetic and local factors which may cause mobility of teeth and the treatment is planned after understanding all the factors involved and with the information obtained by necessary x-rays. We may see a combination of various aspects in a single patient.

Smoking, alcohol consumption and diabetes mellitus seem to affect people more commonly but also included are those caused by drugs and hormonal problems. However, the most common reason would be plain neglect and bad oral hygiene due to lack of information and regular maintenance.

The facilities available to a dentist to manage such problems are in a wide range but essentially boils down to the fact of removing all the plaque, tartar formations, performing gum surgery (via laser included) where needed, removing all the infection and thereby reducing all inflammation of the supporting structures of the teeth.

Proper management of periodontal disease will help control and improve the surrounding tissues and thus provide and environment to strengthen the teeth.

Synthetic bone grafting is possible in special locations to strengthen the supporting bone and teeth. These are available in various types. Splinting teeth together (joining them up or tying them) will strengthen them to the extent that they are in a better position to resist masticatory forces. This will help to prolong the life and retention of natural teeth. With splinting, smaller individual teeth will function as one larger unit, offering better resistance to the chewing forces. There are several methods to achieve this and each situation needs to be assessed properly, and a proper treatment plan evolved.

No matter what sophisticated methods and plans are adopted, without proper follow-ups, patient education and day-to-day care, the situation may relapse or fail earlier than the expected time.


In case your teeth are weak and little loose, please used a paste of Haldi (turmeric) and Honey to the tooth/teeth for 5 minutes before brushing them at night before sleeping. The base will become strong and the looseness will soon vanish.

Contributed by: harinag49 @ yahoo.co.in

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