
Time Saving Exercises

Most people do not exercise due to lack of time. Learn how to work out when time is a constraint.

Exercise is very important for your body. It gives you flexibility, keeps joints supple, improves your metabolism, etc. However, exercise tends to take a backseat when it comes to your daily schedule. Most people cannot even exercise once a week. When you do decide to take the plunge and work out, the aches and pains you experience remind you of the time lapse. You would love to work out more often but you just cannot set aside the time. In such a scenario, the key is to improvise when it comes to exercise.

Find a New Place

Going to a gym not only takes up a large amount of time, but also, it can become boring after a while. On the other hand, having a treadmill or cycling machine at home is more convenient. However, it is unused most of the time and may finally end up as a clothes rack.

To give yourself an incentive to use your exercise equipment, shift it to a place where you spend a large amount of your time. For example, try keeping your treadmill in the kitchen or the family room. This way you can grab a few minutes of exercise when you are watching television or while waiting for your vegetables to finish cooking.

Develop green Fingers

Gardening is a great way of getting a work out. Doing gardening chores like pulling up weeds, raking leaves, digging up the ground, etc. all count as a form of exercise. These chores will tone your muscles without you even realising it. The added incentives are that you will get to spend time outside your home and enjoy yourself as well as get some work done. A person can burn up to two hundred calories an hour doing gardening.

Get up on Your Feet

You can get your quota of exercise, simply by physically moving from place to place. For example, try parking your car further away from a store and then walk to your destination. You will also save the time you would have spent looking for a parking spot near the store.

If possible, try walking or cycling to your workplace. This is an excellent alternative to using your car. Along with getting some exercise, you will also be doing your bit to save your environment. You will cut down on the exhaust fumes that are emitted by vehicles. You will also save the money you spend on fuel. You may have to leave a little earlier than before to get to work, but the increased fitness levels will be worth it.

Make an effort to use the stairs, whenever you can. However, do not overdo it. Set goals for yourself. If you are not used to any form of physical activity, start by climbing one or two flights of steps. Only when you can achieve this target without gasping for breath should you attempt to increase the number of stairs to climb.


Move around the House

You can easily turn your regular household chores into an exercise routine. Try standing on your tiptoes while cooking. You could also keep common household items like salt and sugar slightly out of reach so that you have to stretch in order to reach them. Sweeping and mopping floors give both arms and legs some exercise. Aim to complete tasks that require more effort first. Then you can cool down with light work such as folding clothes or washing dishes.

You can even exercise while watching the television. Go for exercises like stretching, sit-ups, abdominal crunches, jogging in place, skipping, etc. Even if you exercise only during the commercial breaks, you would still be getting almost ten minutes of exercise time in a thirty minute show. Alternatively, you can rent a dance video or play some foot-tapping music on your stereo. Dancing is also a good exercise form besides merely being an enjoyable experience.

Taking a little time out of a busy day to exercise is not difficult to accomplish. Once you start seeing the results, it will motivate you even further.


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