
As is the mind, So is the Man

Open Your Mind


There is nothing more beautiful than the opening of dew kissed rose buds, the shy, demure blush of a sun-kissed sky, rippling waves sparkling like a thousand diamonds or the tender, trusting smile of a child.


We are a mitigated part of the vast universe that surrounds us. If we close our minds to love and kindness and are constantly weighed by pessimistic thoughts of hate, misery and squalor our lives too will be devoid of all that is good and beautiful.


Mind Your Mind


The human mind is just a bundle of random thoughts. As the mind so is the man. Keeping the mind clean and clutter-free is almost impossible, but once that is achieved one can almost drown in divine bliss.

One way to purge the mind of all useless and no good thoughts is to allow only the pure, elevating thoughts to be housed in the mind. Discarding thoughts that disturb one's disposition is essential and should be done immediately, almost on a here and now basis. One way to reduce the burden of impure thoughts from the mind is to reduce the number of thoughts per se. Do not allow the mind to get crowded with thoughts and gradually the mind will learn to concentrate only on one key idea.


Gradually and with practice, the individual will be able to let go of this one singular thought and then the mind will be filled with celestial peace.

After all, the mind is both the cause for bondage and its liberation. It is up to us whether we use or misuse this tool...


Harness Your Mind


Our mind is like an unbridled horse that runs amuck along wrong roads wrecking havoc on its path. There is no direction and all that guides this stray horse is a senseless desire to prove its might and power. Neither is it guided by reason nor driven by purpose, all that propels this mind into action (?) is temporary titillation of the senses and a short-lived gratification of the ego.


Wants are reared by ambition, which in turn is the creation of the ego. When wants are not satisfied they lead to unfulfilled desires that again are a manifestation of the `I' or the ego.


Through the control of the mind we can control the senses and control our wants and desires.


Controlling the mind is the first step towards self realization.


Though religious scriptures aid in this control of the mind, they are wasted without modesty. Merely learning them by rote or without modesty will lead to ego, which again will make the mind reckless and lose.


God resides within all of us; it is our unjust and egoistical actions that keep us away from Him. Through self-discipline and mind control we can annihilate the false ego and walk the path to God that is devoid of ills like jealousy, anger and greed and full of divine and unending bliss!


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