
Our Span of Control

It is extremely important that we recognize our span of control, to gain control of our own lives, we need to know the things we can control and the things we cant.  Here then is a checklist of the things that are within our span of control:


Our Deeds

~ If only we spare a moment to think before we do.  Look before you Leap says the old proverb.


Our Speech

~ Often, we also speak before we think of the consequences.  We cannot take back words once spoken.


Our Thoughts

~ Contrary to popular belief, thoughts are not random.  They emerge from somewhere deep within us, but we do have control over our thoughts, if only we can learn to do so.


Our Duties

~ We have work to do and we have jobs to get done.  Is it by choice or by chance?


Our Associations

~ I once read a quote somewhere which ran ""It's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys." The decision of who, how many and what kind of friends and associations we make vests entirely with us.


Our health

~ There are of course factors affecting our health which may not be solely within our own control (factors which we call Aadhidaivik or Aadhibhautik); however we can definitely exercise a control over our eating habits, sleeping habits and exercise habits.


Our Prosperity

~ What we want may not necessarily be what we need.  Having a surplus is more often than not a factor of what we spend out of what we earn.


Our Time

~ We all have only 24 hours and we choose what to do in every second of those 24 hours each day.


Our legacy

~ What we leave behind for the future generations is within our control.  Not necessarily wealth, but also the words, knowledge, actions, ideas and thoughts.


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