
Same Situation: Different Perspectives (Optimism vs Pessimism)

Rita and Naresh have differing ways of viewing the world. Rita is a pessimist (the glass is half-empty), while Naresh is an optimist (the glass is half-full). These outlooks influence how they experience similar situations.




Rita is devastated, convincing herself that she is all washed up, she can never catch a break, it is useless for to try to be successful, and she is never going to succeed at anything.


Naresh, however, has a healthier inner dialog. He tells himself he may not have been good at that particular job, his skills and company's needs did not mesh, and being fired was only a temporary setback in his career.




Offered a new job, Rita, the pessimist, believes she was able to find a new job only because her industry is now really desperate for people, and must have lowered their standards to hire her.


Naresh, however, feels he landed the new job because his talents were finally recognized and he can now be appreciated for what he can do.




As these examples illustrate, optimists tend to interpret their troubles as transient, controllable and specific to situations. Recent research confirms this. When good things happen, optimists believe the causes are permanent, resulting from traits and abilities.


Optimists further believe that good events will enhance everything they do.


Pessimists, on the other hand, believe their troubles will last forever, will undermine everything they do, and are basically beyond their control. When good things happen to pessimists, they see them as temporary and caused by specific factors that will eventually change and lead to negative outcomes.




Optimism creates better resistance to depression when bad events strike, better performance at work, and better physical health.


In fact, one long term study at the Mayo clinic in Rochester, MN, found that optimists lived 19% longer than pessimists.


Optimism is also a powerful antidote to anger. Many participants in anger management classes report their anger lessening as they learn to replace negative thinking with positive thinking.



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