
How and Why to Exercise the Mind?

Exercise keeps you healthy in body and mind, but if you need a little more motivation than that, here's something new.


A recent Columbia University study in the US has found that regular exercise can even cause biological changes, leading to the development of new nerve cells in some areas of the brain. When you work out, the blood and energy supply to the brain improves. The genes in nerve cells also signal the production of proteins called neurotrophic factors or growth factors.  These prompt the nerve cells to grow, branch out and even give rise to new nerve cells, at least in some areas of the brain. And research done at Columbia University finds that people who exercise do better on memory tests. But you don't even need to get into the latest medical advances, to know that exercise is as good for you emotionally and mentally, as it is physically. It's pop culture folklore by now that exercise releases feel-good hormones called endorphins. Says fitness trainer, Suparna Kapoor, "The biggest motivating factor is weight loss. People do want to look good. That's how it starts and that's how people get involved with exercise." Whether it's working out at a gym, or at home, the bottom line is it doesn't really matter what kind of exercise you're doing as long as you're doing it regularly.


Simply put, doing unique, random, different, and ridiculous things is a good way to exercise the mind and promote new ways of thinking about the world around us. One hour of increased brain activity via thinking a lot or experiencing new stimuli can make you smarter, more energetic, more creative, more sociable, and more open to new experiences and ways of thinking. Here are some of the endless numbers of activities that can stimulate your brain. The key ingredients are to be open to new experiences, and changes in previous ways of thinking about these experiences.


In many ways the mind is like a muscle i.e. if you don't exercise the mind – it can weaken. Like a muscle, if you regularly test it with exercise, the brain will be become stronger and stay fit and alert. I am sure there are many more spiritual or deeper methods of exercising the mind but in keeping with the theme of my blog I like to keep things simple.


With that in mind J, here are some of my suggestions on how you might exercise the brain and keep your mind fresh.


ü      Regularly solve puzzles e.g. crosswords, sudokus and other "brain teasers". This is the single most effective and simple way to exercise the mind. Do at least one puzzle each day.

ü      Play a musical instrument – even if you play it badly.

ü      Paint, sketch or draw. I know what you are going to say. I can't draw! Well you know what? It doesn't matter that you are not the next Leonardo Da Vinci, paint or draw for you. I draw sketches now and again and sometimes they look ok and sometimes the look like they have been drawn by a six year old. It doesn't matter. Do it for YOU!

ü      Learn a new language. This is such a great way to stimulate the mind.

ü      Learn how to juggle. It is a great way to improve concentration and improve hand to eye co-ordination. It also relaxes the mind as you don't have time to think of all the stresses and strains of life as juggling takes 100% concentration. Go on, give it a go! Its even fun!

ü      Play Chess, Backgammon or Checkers. These are great and classical mind games and are surprisingly easy to learn but it might take a life time to master Chess.

ü      Play strategy or puzzle games.

ü      Write! Write poetry, write a short story or even write a blog or a simple article.

ü      Try amateur dramatics. Acting can be a wonderful release of emotions and very creative.

ü      Travel. It is true what they say - travel does indeed broaden the mind.



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