
Setting a Positive Example

A light that shines brightly is certain to be seen by all who come within its radiance. In the same way, a life that is lived with passion, with purpose, with integrity is sure to have an influence upon all who are touched by it.


The most powerful way to influence others is not with threats or arguments or tricks or deception, but with the way you live your life. If you want someone to truly understand your point of view, then express that point of view in a living and dynamic way, and you will indeed make it difficult to deny.


Argument and persuasion at the very best can only get others to reluctantly do what they did not originally want to do, or to admit what they did not want to believe. Yet setting a positive example by the way you live can bring others to truly and willingly change what they desire or what they believe.


In order to positively influence others, it is essential that you first positively influence yourself. Whatever you desire to promote, promote it first to a position of undeniable importance in your own life. Who you are and what you do will always speak far more convincingly than the words you have to say. Let your life do the speaking, and the message will come through loud and clear.


~~Ralph Marston

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