
Bigger Dreams and Bigger Goals

Bigger Dreams and Bigger Goals


As a boy, he spent his time distributing hand-bills and putting up banners on electric poles for supplementing his father's meager income.  This work got him close to the owners of shops and establishments to plan the pattern of distribution.


When once the pamphlets were not being delivered due to shortage of staff in the press, Bahadur had the opportunity to meet the press owner.  The few hours that he spent there in the press were enough for him to get the required details.  Bahadur Enterprises was serendipity!  Bahadur employs 10 people and gets done now what he used to do 5 yrs back.


With no money in pocket, how did Bahadur achieve success?


"I aimed to grow big and thus I had big dreams" says he.  Big goals truly have their own impact - they are heavy and the passion and quality work in one attracts the right people and situations said he.  Greater the mass - greater is the gravity and pull.  Goals and desires, which are intrinsically driven, have a great power.  They have no fear of failure!  "I do not fear failure" said Dhoni and thus, he is able to achieve.


Today, Bahadur has employed a part time scriptwriter, an artist and a management graduate to give a shot in his arm and reach bigger goals.  They too achieved their goals - getting a degree for a job!  Again a case of how Human Excellence rises above Academic Excellence.  The sure shot way to succeed then is to develop human excellence in those with great Academic Excellence. 


While some schools and colleges have already started this, many have yet to understand the importance of not only starting these for the students but for the staff too. 


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