
The HOPES method to raise your energy levels naturally

Hydration – Keep your body hydrated throughout the day. The first sign of dehydration is fatigue. Your body can’t function at capacity without that good old plain water. A steady supply of water will naturally keep things flowing–including your energy.


Optimize Sleep – Often a small adjustment of your sleeping habits can already do wonders for your energy levels.  Lying in bed is not sleeping: Don’t go to bed if you are not sleepy and end up lying in bed pondering and stressing.  If you are drifting off at the computer, while reading, or watching TV, it’s time to get to bed. Your bedtime should and will vary from night to night. Let your body tell you when to sleep as opposed to the following the 8-hour rule.  Set an alarm to wake up early at the same time everyday.  Include a 20 minute power nap in your schedule somehow.


Pranayama – Another great way to re-energize your body is with a quick deep breathing exercise. Sit on a chair with a straight back and breathe deeply while you focus on your breath going in – going out. At the same time use a powerful affirmation to invigorate your mind and body.

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Energy Boosters – Have more alkaline-forming foods like fruits and vegetables. Avoid excess sugar and coffee as they lead to lower blood sugar levels–and less energy–after they give you an initial kick. Also one could pack some almonds and nuts for a quick and convenient protein snack.


Stretching and Yoga – The key is to set up a fairly regular schedule–about three times a week–and push to the point that you feel refreshed, not exhausted. Don’t overdo it. It may take a couple of weeks to get into the natural rhythm, so have patience and higher energy levels will follow.


Forget about the energy drinks or pills. Learn to increase your energy naturally, and have a healthy steady supply to get you through each day. By adjusting your personal eating, sleeping and exercise habits, you can boost your energy the natural way and settle into a self-sustaining rhythm.



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