
Top 10 common dreams and their meanings - Part I

Dreams have always been a mystery to us. The Association for the Study of Dreams has revealed that the majority of us have dreams with similar Dreams and their meanings and it is possible to gain better health (mental and physical), entertainment and even financial gains from such dreams.

A well known American psychic, Edgar Cayce claimed that through dreaming, people gain access to their spirit and all possible questions are answered by our inner conscious. Some dream interpretations are strange, while others are pretty understandable. We bring you ten most commonly experienced dreams to help you interpret their meaning within the context of your own life.

Car troubles

Description: This is a common nightmare among all ages, even for people who usually don't drive. In this dream, you are usually in or near a car or some other type of vehicle which goes out of control. The circumstances can vary, for example, you may find that you have no brakes, or that the steering wheel doesn't work, or that you have run out of fuel. You may also dream that you are going off the road, off a cliff, going through a red light, or crashing into an object or person. Vaibhav Jain, a sales manager with a leading telecom company, recalls "I don't remember my dreams. But a few years ago, when I was getting over a troubled relationship and going through an emotional turbulence, I used to have a recurring dream that I am driving a car and suddenly the brakes failed. It was an intense feeling."

Interpretation: A vehicle is the symbol of our life's path. This dream arises when things are not going well for you and you are unable to control the unpleasant events happening in your life. If the car in your dream has poor control or missing parts, it suggests that your sense of control over current conditions is being compromised. "A troubled car dream always means that you are going through a change - be it changing jobs or experiencing your first pregnancy," says Anuj Singh, a clinical psychologist.

Failing a test

Description: This dream is often seen by those who have been out of school for a long time. In this dream you are prevented from passing a test in diverse circumstances. In one scenario, you find that you are unprepared to undergo the test either because you have not prepared for it or because you are missing the necessary equipments needed to sit for the exam. In another scenario you may find that you can't answer any of the questions or that the test is in some unknown language. You can also not complete the exam within the stipulated time or find that you are late in arriving at the exam hall. All these factors contribute to you failing this test. Monika Tomar, a content writer with a MNC, says, "I get this dream periodically. It's usually college and I've blown a class off for almost the entire semester and once the finals come I have to find a map and locate the room like it's my first day there."

Interpretation: Such dreams highlight your frustration and depression. It usually means that you are feeling tested in life and may experience the fear of not being accepted. It could even imply not being prepared to face challenges or not being good enough. You are worried that you are not making the grade and measuring up to other people's expectations. "To dream that you are taking an exam indicates that you are being put to the test or being scrutinised in some way. These dreams also suggest that you are feeling unprepared for a challenge. These dreams are not about the content of the test, but rather how you are feeling while taking the exam," explains Anuj.


Description: A dream death is a moderately common nightmare and it involves deaths of famous people, your parents or children, a lover or even yourself. Occasionally, it occurs during the onset of an illness. According to American psychic, Edgar Cayce, when you dream about the accidental death of any person, that person's death symbolizes something in you that is no longer functioning. Manish Kumar, a senior engineer says, "I usually dream of goons breaking into my house and shooting at my father. I'm the only one who witnesses this in the dream"

Interpretation: This dream is related to your life and it means that you are emotionally hurt or are afraid of being hurt. "This dream may work as a warning for you to make you aware of an upcoming physical risk to yourself or a loved one. When it is someone else in the dream who dies, it can mean that you feel that part of yourself (that you see represented by that person) is also dead. It may also mean that you wish the person would go away or that you fear losing them," interprets Anuj.

Being chased

Description: Dreaming about being chased is also a commonly experienced nightmare. Most often the chaser in the dream is a monster or some person who is frightening; occasionally it may be an animal. Such dreams are not only horrifying and shocking, but often leave the dreamer with a lasting image of the dream. It is also worth noting that sometimes this dream is a replay of an actual event in your life. Atul Kulkerni, a student, says, "When I was young I used to have nightmares about being chased. Usually I was chased by two lions and I would be running away from them towards my house, but I could never reach the door no matter how hard I'd try."

Interpretation: This type of dream often results from stress. In this type of dream you feel frightened, attacked and in danger. If you dream of being chased by someone you know, this person is somehow contributing to your anxiety. If you dream of being chased by a stranger, it's possible that the stranger represents some aspect of yourself. "Running is an instinctive response to physical threats in our environment, therefore 'chase dreams' represent your way of coping with fear or stress. Instead of confronting the situation, you are running away and avoiding it", explains Anuj.

Bad or missing teeth

Description: Teeth dreams usually involve the discovery of extremely decayed or missing teeth in your own mouth. Common dream scenarios include having your teeth crumbling in your hands or your teeth falling out one by one with just a light tap. Priti Singh, a call centre executive, recalls, "Five years back, I would constantly dream about my teeth falling out. And not just falling: they actually crumble into much smaller pieces, and I end up spitting the pieces throughout my dream. I was seeing that dream so often that I actually went and talked to someone about it, and they told me it could mean that I wasn't feeling nurtured or loved by those around me."

Interpretation: What does it mean when we dream about missing teeth? At the most basic level it means that we are afraid of being looked upon as unattractive. At a deeper level, it can signify a fear of embarrassment or loss of power in real life. "Sadly, we live in a world where good looks are valued highly and our teeth play an important role in conveying that image. The dreams about your teeth reflect your anxiety about your appearance and how others perceive you. Another rationalization for falling teeth dream may be rooted in your fear of being embarrassed or making a fool of yourself in some specific situation", explains Anuj.

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