
Top 10 common dreams and their meanings - Part II

Falling or sinking

Description: We have all had falling dreams. This is the most common dream, and is sometimes accompanied by muscle jerks, which may jolt you awake. In such dreams we are usually falling through the air and are extremely frightened. Occasionally we may be sinking in water and in danger of drowning. Shradha Singh, customer care executive, says" I often dream that am floating or have the ability to levitate, sometimes with a great sense of power other times with powerlessness."

Interpretation: Dreams of falling often arise from the fear of losing control. A person who is having this dream is either insecure or lacks support in real life. If you have this dream you should evaluate your current situation and try to identify the problem. "Falling is an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and anxieties. Sometimes when we have these dreams, your whole body jerks or twitches and we wake up. This happens because falling or sinking dreams typically occur during the first stage of sleep and the dreams in this stage are often accompanied by muscle spasms of the arms, legs, and the whole body. This jerking action is part of an arousal mechanism that allows the sleeper to awaken and become alert and responsive to possible threats in the environment," says Dr. Anuj.

Missed a train, bus, boat or plane

Description: In this type of dream you are rushing to catch a bus, train, plane or other type of public transport, but you miss it generally by a fraction of second. You feel frustrated rather than afraid in these dreams. In a variation of this theme, you arrive very late for a performance in which you are supposed to participate and find that the event has already begun.

Interpretation: "Travel images often signify an emotional journey of discovery and this dream usually means that you have missed out on an important opportunity in your real life. This dream often occurs when you are struggling over an important decision", explains Dr. Anuj.

Faulty machinery

Description: In the faulty machinery dream you dream of trying to operate some mechanical equipment while it malfunctions. Many such dreams involve telephones, with the dreamer having trouble dialing, getting disconnected or making a faulty connection. It can involve a lost Internet connection or a jammed or broken machine. Abhishek Srivastava, a web developer, says "I dream about the faulty connection most often. I can never dial the right number or get hold of the person I am trying to reach"

Interpretation: "This dream means that you are losing touch with reality or that a part of your body or mind is not functioning properly. You can also have such dream when you are feeling anxious about making a connection with another person in real life," says Dr. Anuj.

Lost or trapped


Description: In this dream you try to find your way out of an unknown territory such as a forest, city streets, a large building or any other maze-like structure. Another way this dream plays out involves you being trapped, buried alive, caught in a web or unable to move for some other reason. Ankur Srivastava, a bank employee says, "One recurring dream is of being on my way somewhere and taking a shortcut through a building. This turns into an endless series of stairs and doors that lead nowhere."

Interpretation: Dreaming about getting lost is very common and will usually occur when you are not able to decide on how to react to a certain situation in real life. "This type of dream will usually carry an element of fear or of frustration and it usually means that you are trapped in real life and you are unable to make the right choice," interprets Dr. Anuj.

Dreaming nudity

Description: In this type of dream you are in a state of undress, partial undress or inappropriate dress. For example you have gone to work wearing pyjamas. Occasionally you are the witness of another person who is naked while you are clothed. This is often accompanied by feelings of embarrassment and shame, but occasionally with the feeling of pride or freedom. Kumar Mohit, a software engineer, recalls "When I was young the most recurring dream was that I went to school wearing only pajamas and I am surprised that I still remember it"

Interpretation: As with all the dreams, the emotional tone of this one is important to the meaning. The meaning of this dream is that you are feeling exposed, awkward or you are afraid that you have revealed too much of yourself to someone who is not trustworthy. An interesting fact about this type of dream is that it occurs much more frequently in people who are involved in a wedding ceremony or event management in their real life. "Getting humiliated at the realisation that you are walking around naked in public, is often a reflection of your vulnerability or shamefulness. Finding yourself naked at work or in a classroom suggests that you are unprepared for a project at work or school. But if you are proud of your nakedness and not embarrassed or ashamed then it symbolises your unrestricted freedom".

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