
Four Healthy Flat Stomach Snack Options

A new week of working towards your fitness goals and flat stomach is about to begin. It doesn't matteranymore if you didn't stick to your diet last week or missed a few workouts. Its a new week and now is the time to plan and make sure you don't make the same mistakes as last week. Or if you had a perfect week last week – ate every meal you had to and had some AWESOME workouts, its time to make sure that this week is perfect yet again.

In order to ensure a successful week I've created a list of four of my favorite healthy snack options that are quick and easy to put together, plus GOOD for you. In order to ensure maximum fat loss and great results, its better to eat 5 to 6 smaller meals a day, two of them (between breakfast and lunch then between lunch and dinner) can be what I like to call 'snacks'. Adding these snacks into your flat stomach diet is going to help you keep your metabolism going and burning fat all day long, even when you're at work sitting in front of the computer.

Most importantly, they're tasty. Many people think that the term 'healthy' means 'no flavor' or 'tastes like cardboard' – no ma'am! I'm personally not a fan of cardboard – SO I'm not going to share anything with you that tastes that bad!

Now that I have your mouth watering…here we go!

Yogurt – Yogurt is simple and easy to pack, especially if you're on the go. Yogurt is a great source of protein and healthy fat. Add some fresh fruit or some granola (depending on your carb intake) and you'll have a tasty sweet treat to keep you going until lunch.

Natural Peanut Butter – Easily my favorite flat stomach diet staple. Put a tablespoon of peanut butter on some celery, an apple, or a low fat rice cake for a quick snack that will fill you up. Sometimes, I forget the vegetable or fruit and just eat peanut butter right out of the jar! Its SO tasty and a great source of natural healthy fat that will help keep your burning the 'bad' fat.

Almonds – Almonds are an AWESOME snack time option, not only because they are tasty but they are SO good for you! Almonds are a great source of fiber, Vitamin E, and magnesium (that's just on top of the usual protein and healthy fat). Almonds help lower blood pressure, fight heart disease and help you build muscle. Next time your hungry, have a few almonds and let the fighting of fat and high blood pressure begin.

Blueberries - Instead of reaching for the bowl of M&M's on your desk – next time reach for a handful of blueberries. This delicious sweet snack have loads of benefits, as research has recently discovered. Blueberries have the highest levels of antioxidants, which will help fight disease, and they are a great source of fiber, which helps prevent the absorption of some fat. Add your blueberries to your yogurt or cottage cheese, or even eat them by yourself and you'll be satisfied until your next meal.




There are so many healthy snack options, these are just a few of my favorite to get you through this week. Another quick tip for successful weight loss this week – make sure to add these delicious treats to your grocery list and buy your food for the week before the week starts. Knowing what you are going to eat all week only helps to set you up for weight loss success – ensuring that you have all the food you need all week long. Then pack up your meals the night before and your ready to go!A new week of working towards your fitness goals and flat stomach is about to begin. It doesn't matter anymore if you didn't stick to your diet last week or missed a few workouts. Its a new week and now is the time to plan and make sure you don't make the same mistakes as last week. Or if you had a perfect week last week – ate every meal you had to and had some AWESOME workouts, its time to make sure that this week is perfect yet again.

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