
Tender Coconut-The Wonders it does


coconutopen2Tender Coconut-The Wonders it does!



coconutgreen5The coconut is known as a 'wonder-food'. It is a near perfect diet, as it contains almost all the essential nutrients needed by the human body. Coconut Water, the nature given drink to beat the heat! The water, which is stored in it, is the most uncontaminated and healthy drink, which as it gently flows through your food pipe giving a smoothing effect across its walls and rests in the stomach, leaves a cooling relief for the rest of the day.                     It is also considered a sacred fruit and holds a very                                                              high place in all religious ceremonies.


Natural Benefits and Curative Properties

The water of the tender green coconut, generally known as mineral water, is used as a coconutgreen6beverage and a refreshing drink. A tender coconut, which is fully-grown and only one month old, contains about 400 to 465 C.C. of water. . The water of a single coconut contains sufficient vitamin C to meet the daily requirements of the body. It also contains several vitamins in the B group. These are niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, riboflavin, folic acid and thiamin as well as pyridoxin in traces. The water also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine.



It is a disease, which causes swelling in the stomach due coconutgreen4to fluid accumulation. Coconut water is valuable in ascites. The patient should be given two or three glassful of coconut water to drink. This quantity maybe increased or decreased according to the condition of the patient.





Tender coconut water is very useful in cholera. Eight to 12 ounces of this coconutwater mixed with a teaspoonful of fresh limejuice should be administered orally to the patient. It rectifies the electrolyte balance and neutralizes the acidosis of the blood. Coconut water is a known source of potassium-rich fluid, and since cholera patients can almost invariably take oral fluids following initial correction of shock and acidosis, the experts                               suggest intake of coconut water is a must for cholera patients.



Urinary Disorders

coconutopen3The coconut water is valuable in urinary disorders. It acts as a natural diuretic in heart, liver and kidney disorders such as scanty and suppressed urination, albuminuria that in presence of protein in urine, dropsy and high acidity of urine.


Digestive System Disorder

Tender kernel of coconut is highly beneficial in the treatment of digestive coconutopen5system disorders. It is valuable in diseases like indigestion, colitis, gastric ulcers, diarrhoea, and dysentery arid piles. The tender coconut water is also an excellent remedy for flatulence, vomiting and dyspepsia. In vomiting, it is food medicine of great value when other methods of allaying it have failed.



Intestinal Worms

The coconut is an ancient and very effective remedy for intestinal worms of all coconutopenkinds. A tablespoonful of the freshly ground coconut should be taken at breakfast, followed by a dose of castor oil after three hours. The process may be repeated till the cure is complete.




opencoconutThe mature dried coconut is valuable in the treatment of acidity.                                 Its oil reduces the Acid secretion of the stomach and gives much                            relief to the patient.


Coconut Food Value

coconutgreen3The coconut is highly nourishing, strengthening and fattening food article. The coconut has very high oil content, which is easily digestible. It is more easily utilized by the body than -all other fats. This oil closely resembles the butter in physical and chemical properties. It is rich in potassium, sodium, magnesium and sulphur. The energy value of the dried coconut is very high, being 662 calories per 100 grams.


Food content


Minerals and Vitamins





10 mg




240 mg




1.7 mg



Vitamin C, Small amounts of Vitamin B Complex

1 mg














Can you imagine any other drink that is more readily available and easily affordable with so much of nutrition without any extra preparation to its natural form?


      If your kids ask for Cola next time, you may suggest this instead Cola.

      Surely they would take it.




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