

Learn From Every Kind Person You Meet

"Seeing Kindness in Others"

The author wishes to remain anonymous

Edited by Shmuel Greenbaum

Printed with Permission of http://www.PartnersInKindness.org

I live in South Africa where we have a history of racial intolerance. Recently, I was encouraged by an act of kindness. Whilst driving I saw a young white South African blind boy trying to cross the road, which had a great deal of traffic but lacked a pedestrian cross walk.

As I patiently waited, not wanting to cross his path and also not sure how to help him, a young native African lady came to his aid and assisted him across the road I was encouraged by this as it illustrated to me, that despite our history of hatred and intolerance, as individuals, we are empowered to change our social and political climates.

Again, whilst driving in a poverty stricken area of town, I saw a middle aged woman carry her severely developmentally disabled adolescent boy to his school bus (in the pouring rain). I marveled at this mothers love and dedication -- facilitating, encouraging and allowing this boy to develop to his potential in the face of adversity. I decided that this is success -- enabling this boy to be the best that he can be.

I caught a lift home with a colleague one day. At a particular intersection infamous for theft and car-jacking, my colleague stopped her vehicle to come to the aid of a dog that had been hit by a vehicle, while the other drivers just passed on by. While she was stopped, a vagrant attempted to jump into the vehicle that we were in and fortunately my colleague was able to ward him off, I was impressed by her selfless act to come to the aid of the injured animal.

I think we become more aware of our surrounds when we "see" these acts of kindness in our own lives as well as through stories like those presented in these e-mails, which encourage us to think of others.


"Learn From Every Kind Person You Meet"

From Kindness: Making a Difference in People's Lives: Formulas, stories, and insights

By Zelig Pliskin

Printed with Permission of Shaar Press

"What has made you such a kind and giving person?" a major philanthropist was asked.

"I learned giving from my father. He wasnʼt wealthy, yet helping other people financially gave him more enjoyment than spending money on himself."

"How did you develop such a kind personality?" a devotee to service to others was asked.

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"I read the biographies of kind people and said to myself, ʽThis is the way that I want to be.ʼ"

"Why do you always invite guests to your home for meals?" a generous person was asked.

"I was once a stranger in a large city. Being invited to the homes of a few families taught me the value of this hospitality."

Each of us is different. Therefore we can all learn from others. Every person you encounter, infrequently or on a daily basis, has some manner, some patterns, some habits, some attributes that you can learn from. By modeling the strengths and positive qualities of as many people as you can, you develop yourself in ways that you could not do totally on your own.

By mirroring or modeling another person, you can plug into his positive patterns, states, and qualities. But if you mirror or model might you not also plug into his negative patterns, states, and qualities? Yes, you might. Therefore when you mirror and model, do so wisely. Think of the patterns that will make the most positive differences in your life and find role models. This applies to all areas of your life, especially when it comes to upgrading your level of being kind to other people.

First of all, take note of all those kind, sensitive, and helpful actions that people do for you. Remember what people have done for you already in the past. Try emulating those actions and continue practicing them again and again. Remember the kind words that others have said to you and pass them on to others.

Next, observe the kind words and actions that people say to others. Be on the lookout for kind actions that you witness being done for other people. These patterns can now become yours.

When you read stories about age old or recent kind acts, you are essentially learning how to become a better person. Look at each story as a source of inspiration and a practical guide on becoming a kinder person.

Interview people. Ask them, "What have people said to you that has enhanced your life?" and, "What are some things people have done for you?" Each answer is a valuable addition to your mental library.

You never stop learning. No matter how much you think you know, there is always more to learn. Imagine what it would be like to receive a daily report on 100 ways that people on our planet have acted kindly on the previous day. Each day you personally can do something that could be added to that list.

Kind Words is a free weekly e-mail distributed by Partners In Kindness.

Kindness is like music, art, sports or any other discipline -- it can only be mastered with practice, training, and lots and lots of encouragement. That is what PartnersInKindness.org is trying to promote.

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