

People say I'm positive,

It's my attitude.

I confess but I prefer

To say it's gratitude,

That's the word that fits it best.


I'm just forever thankful

For all I have surrounding me,

For if gratitude is just

Positive attitude, then what

You believe, becomes reality.


When people strive for nothing else,

but wealth and acquisitions...

They give up simple pleasures

just to satisfy ambitions.


Happiness cannot be bought,

as many can attest

Yet simple things, that still are free,

provide pleasure the best.


A sunrise full of color,

warm breeze upon the face

The diamonds of a morning dew

all have their special place.


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The music of a songbird

at evening whippoorwill

The rainbow after the storm is past

can make the heart stand still.


Life's greatest pleasures all around,

a bit of time their cost

yet people tend to hurry past

So beauty is all lost.


Too busy running down life's road,

that seems to have no end

Take time to look around you

while there is time, my friend.

n  Author Unknown

Contributed by: Aarthi Vijayasarathy

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