
Ideal Needle vs. Idle Needle

Contributed by: Bharathi Sarkar (bharathi.sarkar @ netafim-india.com)

Every single entity on the face of this earth requires to be updated to fulfill the ideal purpose of its being.

Even a needle that apparently looks sharp needs to be polished and cleaned for being put into a fruitful usage.

An unused needle though sharp becomes rusted and unsuitable for use.

Using a rusted needle for sewing would require investment of lot of energy, effort & time. Moreover it can cause septic if hurt by mistake.

Thus an idle lying needle is harmful and is a matter of risk & loss to the owner.

If a small needle can matter so much; just think about the bigger helping aids of our life……..

Hence, it is ideally in the favour of the owner not to let their needle remain idle and remember to polish the Idle needle regularly.

So – Let us learn to clean, polish, pamper, maintain & value every big n small thing (living or non living) in our life.

Aim at becoming an Ideal Needle and not Idle Needle.

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