
If you had your life to live over

A study of a group of elderly people 95 and older were asked the question,

"What would you do differently if you had your life to live over?"

The central theme of all of the responses was,

"I would have done more with my life."

The three most common answers:

·         I would have thought more

·         I would have risked more

·         I would have done more things that would live on after I die.

Well, if I had been asked this question and I have, I would have to say I would probably do the same things under the same circumstances that were presented to me. Now if I had been able to see more of the future and the results of my decisions perhaps, just perhaps I would have done some things differently. My last word, thank goodness I do not have to live it over. Of course I am not 95.....yet!

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