
You and HE

By Sita Krishnan
WHEN you see the Master, he says you are not what you think you are. He tells you that you are not a mere human being with spiritual experience, but a spiritual being having a human experience.

Not only are you not ready to believe him, you are acutely uncomfortable as well. You get frightened and run away.

After sometime, when the Master touches you in some way, you feel attracted to him, you stop resisting, you listen, but you are not yet convinced. After some time, the energy of the Master attracts you and you start remembering him even when he is not around; he becomes a part of your being. Still, you are not ready to give up your own value systems and beliefs; you play a game of hide and seek with the Master.

Once you start trusting him more, he forces you to experience your reality. This is initiation, or the first experience. But even after that experience, sometimes you deny it.

The Master is a person who removes the ultimate cancerous tumour that happens to our being, which is our ego. He does surgery directly on that tumour. He never allows you to be stuck or be comfortable with anything less than the enlightened state. Even as you start progressing spiritually, you may get stuck in some layer; you won't even know you are stuck. In all these situations, the Master will push you again and again to move forward. He transforms your whole life.

Whenever a surgeon comes with a knife, you may think he is going to hurt you, but the knife of a surgeon is not for killing, it is for healing.. The Master is the ultimate master surgeon to remove the ego at all levels, be it materialistic or spiritual. People have spiritual ego when they have the 'holier than thou' attitude. The more you allow his surgery to happen, the more you realize the truth. A few people run away from the operating table during surgery; that becomes dangerous.

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