
Travel light..

By Sita Krishnan 

When we leave this house at last we will only be able to carry that which weighs nothing...The only thing that weighs nothing is the spiritual treasure that we build through worship of God..

All other outer persuits weigh us down like stones in our pockets dragging us back into the  world again and again..

Another way of travelling lightly is  by detaching from the world and moving towards God. Our material pursuits  bind us to the creation but our attachment to God releases us.

Why do so many of us go through our lives with frowns on our face? If we are truly a believer we should be laughing every moment, for every moment we are burning off our karmas and we are much closer to HIM ..God always forgives us our sins and loves us million trillion times ...so let us all travel laughing all the way to heaven...


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