
Imagine! Implement! Inspire!

A Video You Just CANNOT afford to skip… INSPIRE YOURSELF and do me a favour, forward this to all your friends, INSPIRE THEM too! Somewhere it will strike a chord and that’s just what we need in this world…
Twice an Olympic Champion…. Trains for 12 hours…. everyday
Lance Armstrong
16 hours of practice… 4 hours of sleep….everyday
Nadia Comaneci
Working incredibly hard…everyday
Carl Lewis
Only captain to win the world cup for India… Cricketer of the Millenium…trains passionately…everyday
Kapil Dev
35 World Records…competes against himself….everyday
Sergei Bubka
At 350 kmph he cannot make mistakes… practices till perfection…everyday
Michael Schumacher
1285 Goals, Knee-wrenching practice…. everyday
The Legendary Pele
If each one of us displayed this kind of passion
Imagine! Implement! Inspire!

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