

Practising Suryayog in front of the rising or setting sun helps removing all impurities and negativities from the body. It helps keeping the mind calm and positive, says Anita Madan

Suryayog is an advanced yogic technique, the basic technique comprises of the four phases which this series has been describing; when practised in entirety, its effect is felt immediately; when practised in part, it will also be of considerable benefit. It is to be done only in front of the rising or setting sun. The preparatory stage prepares the body for the next stage, which is absorbing the pranic energy from the sun. Alpha Ray: Take a copper coin and affix it between the eyebrows by rubbing the skin gently with it. This helps the mind to concentrate at the third eye position, the ajna chakra. Keep hands at the shoulder level with palms facing outwards. Looking directly at the sun, fix your gaze on the sun. With the out breath push the negative qualities in the body towards the sun. With the in breath receive from the sun, light, warmth and prana. With each out breath feel all health problems, stress, anxiety and impurities of the body and mind moving away. Affirm that the mind and body are getting stronger, flexible, and pain free; and the mind is now balanced, calm, positive and unaffected. Alpha Position: Keep your hands at shoulder level and make the Surya mudra (ring finger middle of thumb other fingers straight).Keep looking directly at the sun. While breathing normally, visualize the breath going in through the coin i.e. the ajna chakra to the back of the head. While breathing out visualize the breath going out through the coin to the sun. Statue Position: Release the surya mudra, keeping hands at shoulder level, palms facing outwards. With palms wide open, the maximum prana is being received through the palms, eyes and the third eye. This posture is the statue position (bhootasana). No movement, blinking or thinking. Practise for three minutes. Now slowly bend down on your knee. Touch your forehead and palms to the ground. Feel gratitude and oneness with nature. Get up and remove the coin.

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