
Matthew 12 : 7 - 8

The scripture says "It is kindness that I want not sacrifice.' If you
really knew what it means you would not condemn people who are not
guilty; for the son of man is the Lord of the Sabbath.

Matthew 12 : 7 - 8

According to the customs of the Jews Sabbath is a day of rest hence
people who worked on Sabbath were condemned and punished as well.
They (Jews) were looking for an opportunity to trap Jesus; However,
Jesus being the son of God did not bother about the threats and
continued his mission. He healed the sick, fed the poor, the blind
could see the lame could walk.

God became man and served his people.


The service we render for others is really the rent we pay for our
room on this earth.

Welfred Genfell.
Therefore be generous and kind.

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