
Let Go Mentally

Let Go Mentally

posted by Deepak Chopra
The mind holds on through beliefs, expectations, and interpretations. It takes a lifetime to build up these conditional responses, but dismantling them occurs moment by moment. The present is the right time to begin. When you find yourself in a situation in which you are certain of disaster, loss, hurt, or any other negative outcome, use the following formulas, as appropriate:
  • This is just an experience. I'm here on earth to have experiences. Nothing is wrong.
    My higher Self knows what is going on. This situation is for my benefit, even if I can't see that now.
    My fears may come true, but the outcome will not destroy me. It may even be good. I'll wait and see.
    I'm having a strong reaction now, but it isn't the real me. It will pass.
    Whatever I'm afraid of losing is meant to go. I will be better off when new energies come in.
    Whatever fear says, nothing can destroy me. When people fall they don't break, they bounce.
    Change is inevitable. Resisting change doesn't work.
    There is something here for me, if I have the awareness to find it.
    The things I fear the most have already happened.
    I don't want to hold on anymore. My purpose is to let go and welcome what is to come.
    Life is on my side.
    I am loved; therefore I am safe.

These aren't just formulations, they are new beliefs that, when sincerely held, call in spirit to aid you. To build a new reality you need new mental structures.

Adapted from The Path to Love, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press, 1997).


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