



Breathing exercises to strengthen the lungs and improve the oxygen levels in the body


All of you who suffer from migraines know how difficult it can be to deal with the same — they seem to l ast from a few hours to a few days! This is yet another disease that no-one really knows the root cause of. Yes, there are genetic factors but stress and anxiety, food allergies, sensitivity to sound or light, irregular meals, irregular sleep and lack of exercise are also contributing factors.


I am giving you a seven day programme that specially works on all the areas concerned with migraine and you must do these regularly to see an improvement in your condition.


Yoga gives great importance to breath, because how you breathe will affect the health of your body and the breath also links the body and the mind. Today we begin with breathing exercises that are a must for those who suffer from migraines. Not only do they strengthen the lungs and improve the oxygen levels in the body but also help to restore and gradually balance the flow of prana or vital energy to the brain and soothe and calm the nerves.


Caution: Those with cervical spondylosis, heart problems, high blood pressure and pregnant women should avoid these exercises.



Ü      Sit back on your heels as shown, place your palms on the knees as shown, keep the back straight

Ü      Exhale forcefully and rapidly through the nose in quick succession, pulling the stomach in towards the spine as you exhale. Inhalation will be automatic and passive between every two exhalations

Ü      Practice 30-50 inhalations at a stretch

Ü      Repeat three times.



Ü      Sit back on your heels as shown

Ü      Bend your arms at the waist, the elbows close to the body and make fists

Ü      Raise both fists up, a bit higher than the head, keep the elbows close to the body

Ü      Exhale forcefully through the mouth (the cheeks puffed out) as you pull the arms down, taking the elbows behind the waist as shown

Ü      Repeat 20 times, exhalation should be rapid, movements smooth not jerky

Ü      Inhale deeply and slowly

Ü      Exhale slowly.



Ü      Sit in padmasana . Sit with your legs stretched out and the back straight

Ü      Bend one leg; place the ankle on the opposite thigh close to the groin. Bend the other leg and place the ankle on the thigh of the bent leg, close to the groin. Place your hands on your knees

Ü      Bend your forefinger and the middle finger of your right hand. Close your eyes and practice deep breathing

Ü      Close the right nostril with the thumb, place the ring finger between the eyebrows and inhale to the count of five

Ü      Close the left nostril with ring finger. Hold your breath for a count of ten

Ü      Raise the thumb to between the eyebrows, exhale slowly through the right nostril to a count of ten

Ü      Now breathe in again through the right nostril to a count of five. Close the right nostril with your thumb and hold your breath for a count ten. Place the ring finger between eyebrows and exhale through the left nostril to count of ten

Ü      Repeat the complete cycle for two to five minutes.


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