
5 myths on vitamins and minerals

5 myths on vitamins and minerals


1. Natural form of vitamin E is better than the artificial one.



It is natural vitamin E, if the label on your bottle says 'd-alpha tocopherol' and it costs about twice as much as the synthetic form. The bottle of synthetic vitamin E will mention 'dl-alpha tocopherol'. But there is no special advantage. The decision ultimately lies with a consumer, as some people prefer everything natural.Studies suggest that vitamin E helps people with diabetes, colon cancer, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, cataracts and Alzheimer's. The bottom line: Choose synthetic or natural, whichever suits your budget. You'll be getting great benefits either way.-Take a supplement (with food) that contains 100 to 400 IU of vitamin E every day - more than you can possibly get through your diet.-For higher doses or if you're on any blood thinning medication, consult your doctor. (Vitamin E above recommended levels could increase bleeding.)


2. You cannot get enough vitamin B12 from the foods you eat.



10 to 30% of old adults lose the ability to absorb enough of this vitamin from their food, which sometimes leads to the impairment of nerves and mental functioning.The bottom line: If you're over age 50, get your recommended B12 intake from a supplement (or fortified food), which contains the synthetic form of B12 as it is better absorbed by the system. The Daily Value for B12 is 6 micrograms (mcg), which is the amount present in many multi supplements.


3.Folate and folic acid is the same thing.



The two terms are often used interchangeably. But the fact is that folate comes from plants, while folic acid is the synthetic form, which is always used in supplements and fortified foods. Folic acid is also roughly twice as potent as folate. Studies show that pregnant women who take folic acid supplements lower the risk of neural tube defects in newborn babies by about 50%. In addition, a high intake of folate seems to lower the risk of heart disease.The bottom line: Take a daily multivitamin with 400 mcg of folic acid. Women of childbearing age are specifically advised to take this dosage in a new guideline from the Food and Nutrition Board. (Tip: Some supplement labels list 'folate', but in reality the form in supplements is always 'folic acid'.)


4. Vitamins are better absorbed when I take them in a spray form.



The vast majority of people absorb vitamins easily. Therefore using the vitamin in spray form is totally unnecessary for most people.


5. Calcium carbonate is not as well absorbed as other forms of calcium.



Top calcium experts say there's little difference in absorption among various sources of calcium as long as you take the supplements with food. So if you time your calcium intake with meals, then the focus should be on finding the right supplement, which has the most calcium for the least price.The bottom line: Take one or two 500-mg calcium supplements daily. This daily supplement plus the calcium in an average diet will meet the calcium needs

- under age 50: 1,000 mg; age 50 plus: 1,500 mg.

-Try calcium carbonate first. It's inexpensive and contains 40% calcium, the highest proportion in any type of supplement. Remember to take calcium with meals.

- Calcium citrate is better absorbed if you take calcium on an empty stomach.

-Take it in divided doses. For best absorption, take no more than about 500 mg of calcium at one time.

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