
The Deprived Door

Edward de Bono was in a college. He was allowed out on Saturday evenings but only until midnight.

    At midnight, the doors were closed and  locked. Those who had the misfortune to still be out were severely punished.

    This Saturday, Edward was introduced to a young lady named Laura. They talked and talked. The minutes passed like seconds and the hours passed like minutes as they kept on drinking and talking.

    Suddenly, Edward realized the time had elapsed.

    The door!

    Alas, it was too late. It was past midnight. It was 12.35 am already.

    What could he do?

    He said goodbye to the beautiful young lady, but not without getting her phone number and a kiss on the cheek, and headed for the wall of the college. It seemed there was a large tree that had  branches which would enable him to get over the wall.

    200 yards further down, he found the tree. It was a large chestnut tree with high branches so he began to climb.

    His shoes were not made for that and he failed several times, slipping and almost breaking his neck.

    Finally, he reached the top of the wall and leaped. He slightly twisted his ankle. He realized he now had to walk and there was a second wall.

    He decided to look around to find a passage or a way to climb it.

    The path led to the entrance door and he realized the door was open.

    He hadn't thought for a single moment that the main door could be open!

    How many times have we faced complications in our life when there has been   a simple solution?

    How many times do we think that the worst will happen when our intentions were good?

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