
The Fundamental Truths of Life

Friends Come and Go

During school days we spend most of the time spending with the same people. Then when we move to college again we spend some time with another group of people and leave them all behind when we move out of the campus. Friends will always come and go in our life. It can be a hard thing to accept, but many of our friends we spend time with now, might not be around in the next few years. There are an abundance of amazing people out there to meet and build relationships with. If you don't have many friends, don't stress, there are literally billions of friendship possibilities.

You Won't Always Get What You Want

You won't always get what you want in life: people are going to be late, people will let you down, items you want won't always be available. Don't look for happiness in material possessions and if things don't go your way, learn to accept them. Life's too short to stay miserable.

Many People Will Love You, but Many Will Not

Whether you are a celebrity, a charity worker or just a normal guy, not everyone would like you always but that's fine. There are many possible reasons such as jealousy, similarities to them, or just not being someone's 'type'. You shouldn't need everyone to like you to have some form of self-esteem. You are perfect as you are.

Nobody Can Transform Your Life Like You Can

Do things for yourself. The support and help of others can only motivate you to move ahead but you have to do your work on your own to make big changes in your life. People whom you rely on will not be around forever. Never use others as a crutch to climb up the ladder in life

Failure is the stepping stone to success

Many times we fail even after giving our best shot. Never get discouraged by failures as they are going to teach you the most valuable lessons in life. Learn from your failures, embrace them and use them to drive you on to success.

There May Be No Tomorrow

Make the most of each day. Make sure the people you care about actually know it, don't worry about little matters, just make sure you spend time doing the things you love.

Someone Else Will Always Have More

Whether it is money, partners, friends there will always be areas where other people have more than you. Just because someone has 'more' that does not mean they are happy. Be satisfied with what you have.

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