
20 Happiness FACTS

1.       Happiness Facts' that make most people happier in their lives, based on extensive psychology happiness research during the past 50 years.

2.       Your genes and family upbringing account only for only half of your happiness levels

3.       Only 10 percent of you happiness comes from external circumstances

4.       Your outlook on life, and what you choose to do with your life accounts for 40 percent of your happiness levels. This includes your friendships, work, and community participation

5.       A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found that ages 20 - 24 are sad for 3.4 days average per month. Those between the ages of 65 - 74 are sad on the average 2.3 days per month

6.       Just 20 minutes of exercise, three days a week will increase your happiness by 10 to 20 percent

7.       Several studies have shown that a pet can reduce blood pressure and stress, promoting health and happiness

8.       The happier you are, the more antibodies your body generates - in fact up to 50 percent more

9.       In the U.S., the number of people with clinical depression is 3 - 10 times more common than it was for their grandparents at the the same age

10.   Happy people generally earn more than unhappy people

11.   Women are unhappiest in their life at the age of 37, and men at age 42

12.   Dancing increases happiness

13.   Sports facilities and community centers enhance a community's happiness for people using those facilities

14.   Those who can afford to have their basic material needs taken care of are happier than those who cannot. However, after basic material needs are met, additional money has no impact on the levels of happiness

15.   People in steady relationships are usually happier than people who are single, and happier people are more likely to have lasting relationships

16.   Education and intelligence do not make you more happy than anyone else

17.   Clinical experiments on body odour have proved your scent changes between when you are stressed or happy

18.   According to a study on child raising practices conducted at Harvard University, children who were hugged and cuddled more, grew up happier

19.   The powerful and effective way to increase you short-term feelings of happiness is to perform random acts of kindness to others, or to send a letter of gratitude to someone you care about

20.   The most powerful and effective way to increase your long-term feelings of happiness is to understand your strengths, talents, and life purpose, and to share them with others

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