
Skin Remedies at Your Fingertips

Only a lucky few are blessed with a peaches-and-cream complexion. Most of us at some point or the other have been worried by skin problems. We spoke to many and have concluded that acne, blemishes, pigmentation, tanned skin and dark circles, are the most common skin woes. Here is a compilation on home remedies for all the above problems

Skin remedies at your fingertips

Nobody knows your skin as well as you, you are the best judge of what suits your skin type. Before you try out the recipe, do consult your skin specialist if you have any doubts. Doing a patch test under your forearm, before applying anything new to your face is also recommended. However since the remedies are natural and simple and off your kitchen shelves, you can rest assured.

A for acne

Just like A tops the alphabet list, so does acne top the skin problems list. The cause for acne are too many. However here are a few remedies you could try out to do the trick.

Multani mitti with rose water

Chill rose water. Take a few tbsp of multani mitti, add to it the chilled rose water, a few drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of sandalwood powder. Apply this pack to your face thrice a week for maximum results.

Cinnamon and honey

Take 2-3 pieces of cinnamon, powder it well. Mix it with honey and apply on the pimples, Leave it overnight. Regularly following this routine will control the pimple menace to a considerable extent.

Neem and mint leaves

Make a fine paste of neem and mint leaves. Apply to your face for 30 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. It will keep your skin fresh and prevent an outbreak of acne.

Tulsi and mint leaves

If neem is not easily available, try the above method with tusli leaves as a substitute.


Many swear by this. Apply a dab of fluoride toothpaste (gel doesn’t work) to the first sign of a pimple and leave it overnight. The redness, swelling and pain will vanish.

Orange peel

Dry orange and lemon peels in the sun. Store it in a dry container. To control acne, regularly use as a pack, powdered orange and lemon peels blended with rose water and sandalwood powder.


This recipe is a favourite with grandmothers. Make a paste of fresh turmeric root (freely available in the market). Add to it fresh sandalwood paste and a bit of powdered nutmeg. It works wonders on problem skin.


This is another popular tip for zit zapping. Grate the juice of a 2-3 garlic cloves and apply it to the affected areas.

Fenugreek (methi) leaves

Grind together methi leaves, tulsi and mint leaves. Add a few drops of lemon to this. Apply this green pack to freshly washed face. Leave it for 20 minutes or till the pack dries. Rinse off with cold water. Do it regularly and see acne disappear.

Ban blemishes

The most common causes of blemishes are direct exposure to the sun, severe acne or skin disease. Here are a few ways to fight them.

Cucumber juice

Cucumbers are said to have compounds that are extremely beneficial for the skin. Even applying cold slices of cucumber to your skin is said to be beneficial. To get rid of scars form your face, extract the juice of a small piece of cucumber and add to it a few drop of lime juice. Apply regularly to the affected areas.


Honey is known to have mild bleaching properties. Take a tbsp of pure honey, add to it a few drops of lemon juice, a tsp of milk and a pinch of fresh turmeric powder. Apply this all over the scarred areas. It is said to have miraculous results, if done regularly for a long period of time.

Neem leaves and turmeric

This is said to be beneficial if you are plagued by chicken pox scars. Grind together fresh neem leaves and fresh turmeric. Make a paste and apply it to your face. Let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

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