
A Compendium of Health Tips : 1

First aid for superficial heat burns

   Hold under cold running water for at least 10 minutes or immerse in cold water. Never apply cotton wool, dressings, ointments, fats or lotions or attempt to rupture blisters or remove anything from wound. If burns are not small or superficial, call a doctor.

First aid for chemical burns

   Hold under cold running water for at least 10 minutes so that contaminated water drains away freely. Remove all clothing soiled by the chemical and protect your hands from contact with it.

Fish is good for your baby

   Introduce your baby between the first and second year to a variety of fresh fish but check that they are easily chewable and low in fat and sodium. Check very very carefully for bones.

Reducing salt in high blood pressure

   Add very little salt during food preparation. Do not add salt to food on the table. Read labels carefully and choose food having less salt and sodium content. Avoid pickles, ketchups, chutneys, fast-food and restaurant food.

Baby's first shoes

   Your baby's first shoes should be lightweight, made of leather or cloth (breathable material), definitely not plastic with soles so flexible that you can feel the baby's toes through them. Hard soles are out.

If you are sick and have diabetes

   Check your blood sugar more often, keep taking your medication, drink plenty of liquids and always mention all the medicines you are taking to your doctor, as some can affect your blood glucose.

Prevent dehydration in your child

   If your child has diarrhoea and vomiting, you can prevent dehydration by giving small sips of cold sugar and salt solution available in ORS (Oral rehydration solution) packets at any medical store.

If your baby is having antibiotics

   If your baby is having antibiotics for any reason and develops loose motions within the first few days it is most likely a reaction to the antibiotic known as a 'drug - diarrhoea'. Stop the antibiotic immediately and inform your doctor. While you are waiting give your baby 'oral rehydration solution' which is easily available with any good chemist. You should always keep a few pac kets at home.

Foods that can trigger Migraine

   Avoid chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, fried foods, onions, tomatoes, spinach, beans, nuts, alcohol (particularly red wine), beverages with aspartame and foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG).

If you are acne-prone

   Avoid oil-based make-up, hair gels and sprays, stress, squeezing or picking at the pimples and hard scrubbing of skin.

Reduce dust and dust mites - common causes of allergies

   Avoid soft toys, drapes, feather pillows and carpets. Vacuum regularly and use a damp cloth for mopping and dusting.

Proper length for baby's shoes

   For your baby's first shoes press down on the toe of each shoe with your thumb. If there is a full thumb's width between your baby's longest toe and the end of the shoe then it is the right one. The shoes should be soft and made of leather or cloth not plastic.

Your mole looks suspicious

   If it has an irregular shape and border, is increasing in size and changing colour. An excision biopsy is strongly recommended to rule out cancer.

How to avoid snoring?

   Sleep on your side, keeping your neck straight. Avoid alcohol and smoking 2-3 hours before bedtime. And lose excess weight.
Use condoms to prevent AIDS

   Condoms prevent sexually transmitted diseases including AIDS apart from their use for birth control.

First aid for a snake or scorpion bite

   Reassure the person and clean the area around the puncture marks. Apply a sterile dressing. If the bite is on the arm, immobilise it with a sling. If it is on the leg, tie both legs together. Call for medical help urgently.

Do not get stressed about your hair loss

   Do n ot get stressed if you feel bad about your hair loss. Just remember, other people do not look at you as closely as you do.

If you are prone to air-sickness

   If you are prone to feeling air-sick take anti-travel-sickness medicines half an hour before departure. Some travel medicines may cause a dry mouth, others may make you feel drowsy. Also, do not over eat and try to avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke.

If you have had a Caesarian Section

   If you have had your delivery by a Caesarian Section or been advised bed rest for a long time it is advisable to put on elastic stockings first thing in the morning and start walking around as soon as possible. This helps to prevent blood clots from forming in the veins, causing pain and inflammation (thrombophlebitis) and even worse travelling up to cause serious heart and other problems.

If you have had a normal delivery

   If you have had a normal de livery and within the first three days notice blood running down your legs do not be alarmed - this discharge, called lochia, is a mix of leftover blood, mucous and tissue from your uterus. It can be heavy just like a period and then tapers off within a week or two.

If you suffer from motion sickness

   If you suffer from motion sickness, you probably cannot tolerate turbulence on an airplane. You will feel less of the effects if you sit over the wings, in the middle of the plane.

Protect your baby from direct sunlight

   Babies under 6 months of age should be kept out of direct sunlight. Move your baby to the shade or under a tree, use an umbrella, etc. Dress babies in light clothing that covers the arms and legs. Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before going outside, and use sunscreen even on cloudy days. The SPF (sun protection factor) should be at least 15.

Schedule a pap smear after your period

   Schedule a pap smear for five to ten da ys after your period. That is when the cervical mucous is thinnest and the test gets the best sample for cancer detection.

Twisting won't do much to slim down your waistline

   Twisting from side to side won't do much to slim down your waistline. Instead your back muscles will bear the burden, and the twisting may strain them.

Is it good to scrape or brush the tongue?

Brushing or scraping the tongue twice a day while brushing the teeth reduces the number of bacteria that live on the tongue. These bacteria may cause bad breath.

Injuries in children

   If your child falls and a blue patch (bruise) appears - apply ice or cold water. However if your child bruises easily and frequently, consult a doctor.

Prevent your small child being scalded at home

   Never leave a hot teapot near the edge of the table. The tablecloth should not hang over the edge of the table. Do not pass hot tea or any other fluid in front of the child. The baby should not be on your knee when you are drinking a hot liquid. Never leave a hot water bottle in the baby's bed and turn pan handles away from the front of the stove.

Does exercise really help treat osteoarthritis?

&n bsp;  Yes, regular exercise keeps your joints and muscles healthy, strong and flexible. It helps to maintain the desired weight and improves your general health.
Protect your child's eyes

   Protect your child's eyes from direct sunlight, dust, smoke and kaajal (or surma). These predispose to trachoma - an infection of the eyes.

Checkups during pregnancy

   If you are pregnant you should have at least four checkups by your obstetrician before your delivery - first between the 20th and 22nd week, second between the 28th and 30th week, third during the 34th week and the last one during the 38th week.

Benefits of breast milk

   It contains suitable and adequate proteins, lactose (milk sugar), vitamins C, D and E, iron, water, salt, calcium, phosphate and lipase for effective digestion. The breastfed baby requires no su pplements for first four-six months.

Avoid having the fourth child

   If you are a mother of three children it would be better to avoid having a fourth. The chances are high of both you and the baby being anaemic, the baby having a low birth weight, disabilities and of your having heavy bleeding.

If your infant gets stung

   If your baby is stung by a bee or a wasp, DON'T grasp the sting with your nails or a tweezer, this could force more of the remaining venom (poison) into the skin. Instead scrape it off with a blunt edge of your knife or with your fingernail.

How to get better sleep?

   Have a regular sleeping and wake-up time everyday. Do not over- or under-eat at dinnertime. Also, avoid alcohol, smoking and exercise before going to bed.

A healthy baby

   Prevent your child being born with a low birth weight (less than 5 lbs/2.2 kgs) by having a nutritious, balanced diet with plenty of cereals, low fat milk products, fruits and vegetables. Avoid smoking and drinking.

Benefits of breast milk

   It contains suitable and adequate proteins, lactose (milk sugar), vitamins C, D and E, iron, water, salt, calcium, phosphate and lipase for eff ective digestion. The breastfed baby requires no supplements for first four-six months.

Benefits of breast milk

   Besides its nutritive value & being easy to digest, it also protects the baby from infectious diseases (like polio, measles, chicken pox) for the first six months and avoids infections transferred by bottle-feeding

High blood pressure in c hildren

   Get your child's blood pressure measured occasionally. If it is high, early treatment will help before complications develop.

Minimise post-flight fatigue

   Pre-flight – exercise & sleep adequately; avoid alcohol, stress & dehydration
In-flight – follow airline exercises; avoid heavy food & alcohol
Post-flight - utilise bright light to adjust the body clock in accordance with local time.

Prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis

   Do weight-bearing exercises (walking, swimming and biking) before 35 yrs. of age followed later by milder exercises. Take calcium/magnesium supplements and avoid smoking, alcohol and coffee.

Are artificial sugar substitutes safe during pregnancy?

   Sugar substitutes are generally compounds made up of simple forms of proteins. Since it is not a sugar it is used as a sweetener by people with diabete s and is also safe during pregnancy.

Colostrum is good for the newborn

   The mother’s breast produces the thick, yellowish colostrum in the first few days after childbirth. It is rich in proteins, Vit. A and antibodies that protect the newborn from many infections. Commence breastfeeding without delay.

< TD vAlign="top" align="left" colSpan="4">Hormone replacement therapy
Diet during pregnancy

   Eat plenty of fruits, green and yellow vegetables, 'dals', & grains including dalia & buckwheat (kuttu atta). A litre of milk or milk products (like curd, buttermilk and paneer) and an egg everyday will provide enough calcium for healthy bones in the mother and baby.

Folic Acid prevents against birth defects

   Take 400mcg (0.4mg) tablet s daily before you are pregnant and continue through pregnancy. Dietary sources include orange juice, green vegetables, beans, peas and chappatis.

Foot care in diabetics is important

   Wash feet daily with water and soap, dry thoroughly especially between toes and check for blisters, cuts and sores. Avoid walking barefoot, examine shoes for pebbles, cracks or nails and minimize any risk of injury.

   Oestrogen relieves hot flashes, slows bone loss (osteoporosis), fractures, possibly prevents heart disease and Alzheimer's but increases risk of breast & uterine cancer, gallbladder disease and blood clotting. It often causes bloating, nausea, asthma and breast-tenderness.

How can I prevent ingrowing toenails?

   Cut your toenails straight across and close to the end of the skin and file the sharp corners. Wear shoes that do not pinch your toes and preferably the ones without high heels so that excess pressure is not put on the toes.

Infant feeding - bottle vs. cup

   A cup and spoon is better for feeding, even in low birth weight babies. Bottle-feeding has a high risk of infection for the baby.

Is it necessary to exercise in the morning?

   No, one can work out an individua lised exercise pattern. It is suggested to exercise in the morning, as the air quality is best at this time. Exercising in polluted air can rather triple the level of harmful chemicals in your bloodstream.

It’s unsafe to fly if you are anaemic

   Do not travel by air if your haemoglobin is less than 7.8% as you may suffer from problems of oxygen depletion like breathlessness and collapse.

Liquorice (mulaithi)

   Avoid liquorice if you have high blood pressure, diarrhoea or use laxatives. Though it gives relief in cough and sore throat, it raises blood pressure and lowers potassium levels, leading to irregular heart beats, muscle weakness and twitches.

No smoking near your baby

   Create a smoke-free zone around your child to reduce the risk of colds, respiratory and other diseases and the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (unexplained death in the under one year old)

Oils least harmful for your heart

   Use liquid oils that never solidify – like sunflower, safflower, corn, canola, soya and to a lesser degree mustard oil.

Reduce heartburn and nausea in pregnancy

   Eat small, frequen t meals to decrease its severity. Also, avoid tight clothes, spicy, greasy foods or lying down within two hours of eating.

Respiratory infections and dietary restrictions

   There should be no restrictions even of cold drinks, ice-cream, curds or fried food. Have plenty of fluids. Rarely, an allergy to some foods like cow's milk, eggs, chocolate, etc. may aggravate a cough.

Sinusitis and air travel

    Avoid flying if you have sinusitis, cold or cough. It can result in acute pain in the ears and sinuses.
What can I do prevent ingrown toenail?

   Cut your toe nails straight across upto the end of the skin and file the sharp corners. Wear shoes that do not pinch your toes and preferably the ones without high heels so that excess pressure is not put on the toes.

What is the first aid for burns?
   Run cool water over a superficial burn for 10 to 15 minutes. Never put butter or any grease on a burn. If the burned skin blisters or is charred, see the doctor immediately.

Avoid eye infections

   Ensure that each member of your family has separate towels. Eye infections like trachoma and conjunctivitis are transmitted through common towels and handkerchiefs.

Avoid unnecessary antacids

   Be careful not to take more than the prescribed dose of antacids. In excess, they can cause constipation and block absorption of some antibiotics like tetracyclines. The elderly should avoid sodium bicarbonate especially if they have high blood pressure, heart or kidney problems.

Safe travel

   Safety belts improve your chances of travelling safely and can protect your body in the event of a crash. Ma ny injuries or deaths can be prevented by using safety belts.

Pregnancy after 35 years

   If you are above 35 years old and wish to have a child, you should consult your doctor. At this stage of life, the risks for both mother and child (particularly congenital abnormalities) are increased, so medical supervision is necessary.

Pregnancy before 18 years

   If you are 18 years old or below avoid becoming pregnant. You are neither physically nor mentally fit for it. It is best for both you and baby to have a child between 21-29yrs.

Get yourself tested for HIV

   Have you had a blood transfusion even some years ago, or been indiscriminate in your sexual activities, or ever indulged in injectable drug abuse, shared shaving razors or had your ears or nose etc. pierced without proper disinfection? Then get yourself tested for HIV i f you have developed any symptoms.

For a healthy pregnancy

   Keep an eye on weight gain during your pregnancy. It should be about 10-12kg. Have your blood pressure checked regularly. Don't forget to have your folic acid tablets from the very beginning and your TWO shots of the anti-tetanus injection. These are all very important so speak to your doctor about them from the first visit.

Control how much you eat

   Drink a glass of water before meals, eat off a small plate taking small helpings and chew food slowly and thoroughly. Taking a longer time to eat will make you feel satisfied with less food.

An ice pack can ease pain and swelling

   An ice pack can ease the pain or swelling caused by a strain, sprain or bruise. But to avoid frostbite, do not leave the ice fo r more than 10 minutes on the affected area.

Doing moderate workouts help

   Doing 30-minute moderate workouts three times per week helps you fight depression and reduces the symptoms just as much as drugs.

Swimming is good for asthmatics

   Swimming is good exercise for people with asthma. The warm, humid air improves respiration.

Avoid spicy food if you have heartburn

   Avoid eating garlic, chillies, and other hot spices before bedtime. They can keep you awake by causing heartburn or indigestion

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