
Can You Explain This?

We come across varieties of personalities in our day to day life and much more varieties of behaviors, when interacting with them. The behavior of all the humans cannot be completely comprehended! On the contrary, there are so many peculiar behaviors of animals, which even though look stunningly strange, can be easily explained!

For example, “Amma Rabbits” and “Appa Rabbits” pluck their own fur forcefully a day or two before the “Amma Rabbit” gives birth to new ones and make a makeshift “fur bed” for the new born! They do this just to ensure that their babies, who are born with a very thin layer of skin, and who can’t open their eyes till the 10th or 12th day are protected from the chilling cold waves and the hard surface!

Similar other such examples can be given of animals and each of these behaviors can be explained with convincing reasons. But, this is not true in case of human behavior, which can neither be reasoned nor can be understood in total!

For example:

1.       Why do we commit the same mistakes?

2.       Why don’t we learn from our past mistakes?

3.       Why are we so insensitive to the sensitivities of the other people?

4.       Why do we think that we are always right?

5.       Why do we hesitate to accept that we don’t know something?

6.       Why don’t we listen, when others talk?

7.       Why do we argue with our bosses, knowing fully well that bosses dislike arguments?

8.       Why do we resist the changes?

9.       Why don’t we appreciate if a colleague of ours achieves something?

10.   Why don’t we respond when someone appreciates us?

Dear friends, these things may look very trivial, but, let me tell you something – If you are looking to achieve Excellency in your domain, the first things that you have to do is to set right your behavior in these aspects. Else, you may achieve some success, but not complete success!!

Shreevara Bharadwaj
contributed by: raghu_pv @ spanservices.com

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