
Do you still breathe?

The 4th Part of the Raja Yoga breathing techniques defines all, tell us how to capture the spirit and thus control of the body and senses. If we do not breath control, we will never be able to control and the spirit is body.

Breath lives and livelihoods depend on the breath. We assume, and rarely thought about our inhalation and exhalation of air, which we think will happen automatically, until the time we find it difficult to breathe, and we have to try. If we have the flu and our sinuses are blocked or are suddenly afraid some of our breath is short and unstable, then we recognize how fundamental the breath is our existence and how our control breathing has become.

Beyond this point, the more obvious that most people is the other more hidden problem that is-most people are not breathing properly in the enjoyment of their body and mind in any deeper level, which in turn is the cause of many diseases in our world. See for yourself the breath at a time and you will see how you go about your business all day, a lot of time that you are very fast and short breaths or a large part of the time you are just hold your breath, while, under certain kind of tension. From the way you clime out of bed, as you eat your food or the way you speak, breathing is not controlled and is put on hold or continuously shortened. Many customers of mine, if the treatments coming to me saying "Much of the time when they feel as if I no longer breathe for a long time." Since this kind of unconscious breathing becomes a habit because all the pressure and stress we feel the whole day, over time, if not better treated with habits and practice of yogic breathing Dirgwa Swasam * it becomes a disease or illness. Short, interrupted breathing or is in possession is the root of most modern diseases.

Modern doctors are usually not trained in herbal medicine or natural healing methods such as yoga or eastern Ayurvedic medicine, they are not after any signs of disease due to bad habits Breathing. In the practice of natural medicine one of the first things a therapist will be, how deep and often a person breathing, during the silence and speak when and how their pulse. Have you with our breath, when talking about? Do you know how to breathe, if the food? From the depths, as someone breathes comes much information about what kind of health problems they may have or are susceptible to in the future. If you have very short questions such as asthma or depression, when very quickly bones and nervousness.

We know, we can not live without breathing, but we expect that it will never stop until the day we are to leave of the planet. This is true, but how we use the breath can on the one hand, gives us maximum health and on the other side take our minds further and deeper into unknown areas. With good use of the breath we can go further in the spirit and bring many changes, but impossible. With all the various yoga exercises and breathing techniques practiced, you can gain command of what has passed, in the head to control and change it for healthier children and much more compassionate thoughts.

One of what happens when we not the breath is true that our nervous system suffers, and we are quickly tempered, impatient and less understanding of other people. This in turn allows us not exhausted and a lot of time thinking we are fighting the world, if we really just fighting ourselves.

The health of mind and body will increase as the breathing deepens and slows down the rhythm of the heart. When the heart too much excited by the habits and excesses of life then the breath is restless and difficult, but if the heart pleased with Peace and silence the breath then leads you into the deep times.

Remember lucky to breathe and to follow your breath as you go about your daily life-this will teach you more about are.

Yogi Cameron

* Dirgwa is a Swasam full yogic breathing, which we should be breathing at all times. On the inhalation of the belly, chest expanded and the shoulders take a breath. breathe on the shoulders relax, the chest and moves in the stomach is sucked in a little.

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