
Are you meditative?

Must one turn to a recluse to meditate? Must one give up worldly possessions and ties to unite with the Supreme Being? Must we turn away from all pleasures only because they `delude (?)' us from our avowed path of Godliness? The answer is NO! Meditation does not translate into conscious reclusion. Uniting with the Supreme Power is not about severing our worldly ties, neither is it about pursuing austerity merely for the sake of it. Meditation is not about getting into a trance and being `unconscious' about immediate surroundings.

Meditation means being aware of your surroundings and your self. You are aware of all that is happening within and without you. The breath you are taking, the air surrounding you, the sun that you are standing under, the water that is flowing by you, the flowers blooming around you, the swaying trees…they all impact a meditative person in more ways than one.

A truly meditative person will not shun her/his social responsibilities instead s/he will accommodate new ones in the existing list.

Meditation is conscious realization of the Supreme Being who lives within all of us.


"See God in every person, place, and thing, and all will be well in your world."

--Louise Hay

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