
Fun Trivia - Part XXI

·         Swans are the only birds with penises

·         Snails produce a colorless, sticky discharge that forms a protective carpet under them as they travel along. The discharge is so effective that they can crawl along the edge of a razor without cutting themselves

·         The animal responsible for the most human deaths world-wide is the mosquito.

·         The dachshund is one of the oldest dog breeds in history (dating back to ancient Egypt.) The name comes from one of its earliest uses - hunting badgers. In German, Dachs means "badger," Hund is "hound."

·         A zebra is white with black stripes

·         The turkey was named for what was wrongly thought to be its country of origin

·         The venom of a female black widow spider is more potent than that of a rattlesnake

·         The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as 150 tons

·         There are more insects in one square mile of rural land than there are human beings on the entire earth

·         When a female horse and male donkey mate, the offspring is called a mule, but when a male horse and female donkey mate, the offspring is called a hinny

·         When a queen bee lays the fertilized eggs that will develop into new queens, only one of the newly laid queens actually survives. The first new queen that emerges from her cell destroys all other queens in their cells and, thereafter, reigns alone

·         When ants find food, they lay down a chemical trail, called a pheromone, so that other ants can find their way from the nest to the food source

·         If an octopus is hungry enough, it will eat its own arms.

·         Insects consume 10% of the world's food supply every year

·         The placement of a donkey's eyes in its' heads enables it to see all four feet at all times

·         The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds!

·         Cat's urine glows under a black-light!

·         The world's termites outweigh the world's humans 10 to 1

·         Research indicates that mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently eaten bananas.

·         Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a lightning strike.

·         Over 10000 birds a year die from smashing into windows

·         The Puffer Fish contains a poison that is 500 times deadlier than cyanide, yet it's a delicacy in Japan.

·         India has no rabbits in the wild  only hares

Contributed by asharaj53 @ gmail.com

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