
Yoga to keep you cool

In summer, when body temperature increases, the heart has to work harder to release heat.

It pumps more blood to the surface of the body and heat is released through the process of sweating. The nervous system, too, has to work harder to maintain body balance.

The added pressure on the heart and the nervous system can cause discomfort, fatigue and rising pitta, which may lead to irritability, anger, anxiety and restlessness — or more serious conditions.

Here are yoga techniques to maintain body heat:


·         Lie flat on chest, with forehead resting on floor.

·         Inhale and slowly raise arms, head, neck, shoulders, trunk and legs as high as possible without bending knees and elbows. Make sure there are no jerks while doing this.

·         Balance body weight on lower part of abdomen, which should touch ground.

·         Hold breath and maintain posture for as long as comfortable.

·         Exhale and slowly return to original position.

Kati naukasana

·         Lie flat on back, with arms by side.

·         Inhale and raise legs and upper body 60 degrees from ground, with arms stretched out towards knees.

·         Exhale and turn torso sideways, bringing arms to the side of thighs. Look towards hands.

Santulan asana

·         Standing on right leg, bend left leg and bring heel near hip.

·         Hold toes of left leg with palm of left hand.

·         Bring heel of left leg to buttock and slowly raise right palm up.

·         Hold position for 6-8 seconds, keeping lifted hand tight. Right leg should be tight and straight.

·         Look straight and breathe normally.

·         Rest for some time and repeat a few more times.


·         Stand with feet apart.

·         Bend knees and rise on heels so you stand on balls of feet.

·         Raise arms over head and stretch.

·         Hold for 10-15 counts, breathing normally.

·         Caution: People with knee injuries should avoid this asana.

Sheetali pranayama

·         Sit in comfortable pose and rest hands on knees. Keep eyes closed and relax body.

·         Gently extend out tongue as far as possible. Make sure you don't feel tension or strain.

·         Roll both sides of tongue so it forms a tubular, straw-like structure. Inhale. Feel air cool tongue.

·         Draw back tongue, close mouth and exhale through nose. This inhalation-exhalation cycle forms one round.

Sheetkari pranayama

·         Sit in comfortable position.

·         Touch tongue to palate and inhale through mouth, producing hissing sound.

·         Hold breath till comfortable and exhale through nose.

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