
Five Proven Procrastination Busters

Have things to do but can't get yourself to follow through? Tasks, chores, or to-do lists that have been left to linger? No problem! With just a handful of quick and easy tips you'll be moving in the right direction in no time at all.


Tackling projects all at once is a sure way to keep things from getting done. Break your tasks down into manageable steps. Entire house need cleaning? Just take it one room at a time. Need to organize and file your taxes? Break them down into smaller categories – gathering forms, listing deductions, finding receipts, etc.


If you can't find a way to get yourself to follow through, find someone who can. This tip can work in two ways. First, you can find a friend or family member who can tackle the job with you, cutting the work in half. Get the kids to help with chores or invite a friend on the morning run you've been skipping.

Your other option is reaching out to the people who are good at motivating you to get moving. Explain your procrastination frustration and see if they can work their magic. Either way you go, be sure to return the favor; if the procrastination bug ends up biting them, be the first to jump in and lend a hand.


Why are you putting it off? If you can get to the heart of your procrastination, you may be able to find a different approach to reach the same result. For instance, if you've been putting off studying for an exam because you get too distracted at home, change up the routine and head to the coffee shop or bookstore.


Looking for the cause of your procrastination has another benefit: the thing might just be worth putting off. Ask yourself, "Does it really have to be taken care of right now?" or, "Does it have to be taken care of at all?"

If you've been putting something off time and again, there's a chance it doesn't need to be done now – or ever. But this only works with to-do's low on your priority list. If you know it needs to get done sooner than later, sometimes the best advice is to…


Have you ever thought about putting something off for so long that you could have actually taken care of it in half the time? If you know it has to be done, don't waste your precious time worrying or stressing out about it. Don't waste any time "thinking" about it. Just get up and start.

If the office needs organizing, get up and do it. If the checkbook needs balancing, open the book and balance. Don't fall into the trap of over thinking things and making a mountain out of a molehill. If you know it needs to be done, decide then and there to clear your mind and get your body moving.

Author: Peter Laws

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