
Yoga to control Blood Pressure

All of us are overstressed these days as a result of which our body too gets tensed. Our muscles become contracted and there is a faster circulation of blood. This results in high blood pressure. Exactly the opposite happens in case of low blood pressure. Our body organs fail to perform their functions properly. Here are a few asanas which will help you tackle high as well as low blood pressure.


For High BP

Pashchimottanasana: Straighten your right leg and bend the left leg on to your side.


Inhale and stretch your hands up.

As you exhale bend forward and go down slowly. This is a very relaxing posture for the spine and the legs. This asana also calms the brain and helps relieve stress and depression.

Matsyakridasana: Lie down on your belly and keep your body relaxed.

Bring your hand under your head and bring the knee up to one side. Keep your breathing very slowly.

For Low BP

Ushtasana: Come on your knees and tuck your toes in.

Now reach for your right ankle with your right hand and left ankle with your left hand.

Push your hip forward and drop your head back try and stretch your entire torso. Keep breathing in an out at a very normal rate. Those who have very severe back problems should not hold the asana for too long.

Pranamasana: This asana sends the blood rushing back to our face against gravity therefore increasing bloog circulation. Sit in Vajrasana. Bend forward and try and put your head on the ground as you roll forward.

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Do not put too much strain on your head. Take your hands back towards your feet. Try holding this posture for about five or ten counts.

Courtesy : NDTV

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