
BurnOut Motivation

Highly motivated employees are true assets to any organization. They're productive, energetic, pleasant, eager to take on additional responsibilities, spread their enthusiasm and work ethic to others.

But every organization, no matter what the industry or what the size, also has non-performing, unmotivated, burning out--or burnt-out--employees as well.

To increase success, every business owner needs to deal with this obstacle by identifying unmotivated employees and "turning them around." This is a great challenge for the bosses.

Identifying the Signs of Burnout

1.       Attitude changes.

2.       Comments from co-workers that "something is wrong."

3.       Stress reactions.

4.       Tardiness.

5.       Employee takes more breaks 

6.       Decrease in positive interaction with other employees.

7.       Increase in errors.

8.       Decrease in productivity.

9.       Process to motivate burnt out employees

Steps to be taken

1. Meet with the individual and discuss about their performance or productivity.

2. Identify previous motivators

3. Identify new motivators.

4. Identify areas where the individual can experience a sense of achievement.

5. Recognize and reward the individual for a good job. This form of positive feedback  encourages increased performance and therefore the individual receives even greater recognition.

6. Provide opportunities for personal or professional growth on the job.

7. Create a concrete career pathway

8. Communicate frequently

9. Try job rotation system between employees

10. And finally, try expanding the breadth and depth of responsibilities. This too can energize the individual who is not feeling challenged.

An easy and extremely effective way to increase employee motivation is to "COMMUNICATE" "ENCOURAGE" & "REWARD"

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    Our body was created to survive. How we survive depends on our conscious choices in the 6 Essentials for Life. If our choices are good we can lead a healthy life or else if made a bad choice the responses lead to pain, disease and death. It is a choice!


    1. What you eat :-  There are two kinds of foods Acid and Alkaline. Our body is designed to function in an alkaline state, which requires alkaline foods — mostly fruits and vegetables. Eating too much of the acid foods makes your body acid, causing acute physical stress. 

    2. What you drink:- Our body is majorily water and needs lots of liquids. Since our body regulates itself internally, drinking external stimulants puts added stress on your body and interferes with the regulation of blood sugar.

    3. How you exercise:- Our body needs exercise that increases heart rate, promotes muscle activity and aids neurological integration. Excellent exercises that achieve all three are swimming or walking correctly.

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    4.How you rest:- Adequate, uninterrupted sleep each night is essential for cell repair. Do not consume large meals too close to bedtime or drink the wrong liquids throughout the day, which over stimulates our body. This makes uninterrupted, restful, repairing sleep difficult.

    5. How and what you breathe:-  Correct breathing is important because it activates the diaphragm in a manner in which it was designed, which augments heart action. Correct breathing helps rebalance the autonomic nervous system. Breathing is stressful. While the toxins in our food and liquids are cleaned by the liver before entering the bloodstream, the toxins we breathe — from smoking or living/working in a smoke/smog–filled environment, go directly into your bloodstream.

    6. What you think about:-  Thinking about lemons fills our mouth with saliva. In anger or fear our body is as uptight as if we are fighting a fierocious animal. In worry our nervous system triggers more acid into our stomach producing indigestion and ulcers. And most of these physically harmful feelings come from replaying the past.

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    Tonsillitis is an infection and swelling of the tonsils which are oval-shaped lymph nodes located in the back of the mouth and the upper part of the throat. Our body has two sets of tonsils. One pair can be seen at the back of the throat. These are called the palatine or faucial tonsils. The other pair is at the back of the tongue and is called lingual tonsils. Also part of the same group of lymph nodes are the adenoids, which are situated behind the nose, and above the throat. Their main function is to filter out bacteria and other microorganisms. Tonsillitis commonly means the inflammation or infection of the palatine tonsils. However, sometimes the infection can involve the lingual tonsils and other lymph nodes in the back of the throat, especially the adenoids. The infection may also be present in the throat and surrounding areas, causing pharyngitis (infection of the pharynx).

    What are the causes?

    ·         Tonsillitis is most commonly caused by a bacterial infection, mainly due to the Streptococcus, Pneumococcus and Haemophilus bacteria. Viruses such as the Adenovirus and Epstein-Barr virus may also cause tonsillitis. The infection spreads by:

    ·         Coming in close contact with someone who has tonsillar or pharyngeal infection with the above organisms

    ·         Having a sore throat that develops into tonsillitis

    ·         Sharing utensils or toothbrushes with people infected by or carrying streptococcal bacteria or the Epstein-Barr virus.

    What are the symptoms?

    ·         Tonsillitis may be acute, sub-acute and chronic. Symptoms for acute tonsillitis include:

    ·         Rapid onset of a severe sore throat that worsens over time

    ·         Moderate to high fever

    ·         Difficulty and pain in swallowing

    ·         Red and enlarged tonsils that may or may not have pus

    ·         Swollen or tender lymph nodes below the jaw

    ·         Hoarseness or loss of voice may or may not be there.

    ·         Symptoms for sub-acute tonsillitis can last from 3 weeks to 3 months and include:

    ·         Enlarged tonsils

    ·         Foul smelling, pasty, infected material that collects within the pits on the tonsils

    ·         Sore throat

    ·         Bad breath

    ·         Mildly swollen, tender lymph nodes

    Previous history of acute sore throat which has not been adequately trearted by antibiotics, and some pain has persisted

    Symptoms for chronic tonsillitis include:

    ·         Enlarged and mildly red tonsils that are scarred with large pits

    ·         Slightly enlarged lymph node that are not usually tender

    ·         Sore throat off and on

    How is it diagnosed?

    The diagnosis is based on the symptoms and a physical examination of the patient. The tonsils are usually reddened and may have white spots on them. The lymph nodes of the jaw and neck may be enlarged and tender to the touch. A careful examination of the throat is necessary to rule out diphtheria and other conditions that may cause a sore throat.

    A culture of the tonsils may show bacterial infection. A culture for the streptococcus bacteria may also be taken. A blood test may also be done to rule out a more serious condition or infection, and to check the white blood cell count. In some case, the doctor may ask for blood tests for glandular fever or mononucleosis, since most patients with mononucleosis develop streptococcal infections of the tonsils.

    What is the treatment?

    The treatment depends on the cause of the infection. Mostly, tonsillitis is caused by viruses and so antibiotics are ineffective. However, often a viral tonsillitis may lower the resistance, and be secondarily infected by bacteria. In these cases if the tonsillitis is not settling, antibiotics may prevent the bacterial infection. Only if the cause is a bacterium such as streptococcus, antibiotics are given to cure the infection. If oral antibiotics are used, they must continue for the full course and must not be discontinued after the patient feels comfortable, or the infection will not be cured completely.

    Medicines may also be given to treat pain and fever. Fluids especially bland, warm or very cold may soothe the throat. Gargle with warm salt water or povidone iodine antiseptic mouthwashes or sucking lozenges containing benzocaine also helps in reducing pain. Surgery to remove tonsils (tonsillectomy) may be necessary for some people who have repeated attacks of tonsillitis. However the number of children who need surgery is very small. Surgery is only indicated if there are more than 4-5 episodes of severe tonsillitis a year, or the child has persistent breathing and eating difficulty, or in adults if there has been more than one attack of peritonsillar and tonsillar infection needing intravenous antibiotics. 

    How can it be prevented?

    The bacteria and viruses that cause tonsillitis are easily spread from person to person. Avoiding exposure to anyone who is already suffering from tonsillitis or sore throat can lower the risk of transmission. Drinking glasses and eating utensils should not be shared. Old toothbrushes should be replaced to prevent reinfection. People taking care of someone suffering from tonsillitis should wash their hands frequently to prevent spreading the infection to others. 

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    Yoga to control Blood Pressure

    All of us are overstressed these days as a result of which our body too gets tensed. Our muscles become contracted and there is a faster circulation of blood. This results in high blood pressure. Exactly the opposite happens in case of low blood pressure. Our body organs fail to perform their functions properly. Here are a few asanas which will help you tackle high as well as low blood pressure.


    For High BP

    Pashchimottanasana: Straighten your right leg and bend the left leg on to your side.


    Inhale and stretch your hands up.

    As you exhale bend forward and go down slowly. This is a very relaxing posture for the spine and the legs. This asana also calms the brain and helps relieve stress and depression.

    Matsyakridasana: Lie down on your belly and keep your body relaxed.

    Bring your hand under your head and bring the knee up to one side. Keep your breathing very slowly.

    For Low BP

    Ushtasana: Come on your knees and tuck your toes in.

    Now reach for your right ankle with your right hand and left ankle with your left hand.

    Push your hip forward and drop your head back try and stretch your entire torso. Keep breathing in an out at a very normal rate. Those who have very severe back problems should not hold the asana for too long.

    Pranamasana: This asana sends the blood rushing back to our face against gravity therefore increasing bloog circulation. Sit in Vajrasana. Bend forward and try and put your head on the ground as you roll forward.

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    Do not put too much strain on your head. Take your hands back towards your feet. Try holding this posture for about five or ten counts.

    Courtesy : NDTV

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    Yoga for Height

    Courtesy: NDTV.com

    Halasana: This asana is highly effective in increasing your height and it stretches your shoulder and the spine. Lie down on your back.


    Raise your legs up together and try and push them down towards your head till they touch the ground. This posture puts a lot of pressure on your thyroid gland which is responsible for your growth. People who have back problems and cervical must take proper guidance for this asana.

    Sarvangasana: Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and swing them towards your chest. Support your back.

    Slowly straighten your legs up. Initially you might find it difficult to keep your legs straight, but slowly you will get used to it.


    Try and bring your chest close to your chin. This asana also rejuvenates your whole body.

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    Obama and his Management Mantras

    Obama is one of the most radical management innovators in the world today. Obama's team built something truly world-changing: a new kind of political organization for the 21st century. It differs from yesterday's political organizations as much as Google and Threadless differ from yesterday's corporations: all are a tiny handful of truly new, 21st century institutions in the world today.

    Obama presidential bid succeeded, in other words, as our research at the Lab has discussed for the past several years, through the power of new DNA: new rules for new kinds of institutions.

    So let's discuss the new DNA Obama brought to the table, by outlining seven rules for tomorrow's radical innovators.

    1. Have a self-organization design. What was really different about Obama's organization? We're used to thinking about organizations in 20th century terms: do we design them to be tall, or flat?

    But tall and flat are concepts built for an industrial era. They force us to think - spatially and literally - in two dimensions: tall organizations command unresponsively, and flat organizations respond uncontrollably.

    Obama's organization blew past these orthodoxies: it was able to combine the virtues of both tall and flat organizations. How? By tapping the game-changing power of self-organization. Obama's organization was less tall or flat than spherical - a tightly controlled core, surrounded by self-organizing cells of volunteers, donors, contributors, and other participants at the fuzzy edges. The result? Obama's organization was able to reverse tremendous asymmetries in finance, marketing, and distribution - while McCain's organization was left trapped by a stifling command-and-control paradigm.

    2. Seek elasticity of resilience. Obama's 21st century organization was built for a 21st century goal - not to maximize outputs, or minimize inputs, but to, as Gary Hamel has discussed, remain resilient to turbulence. What happened when McCain attacked Obama with negative ads in September? Such attacks would have depleted the coffers of a 20th century organization, who would have been forced to retaliate quickly and decisively in kind. Yet, Obama's organization responded furiously in exactly the opposite way: with record-breaking fundraising. That's resilience: reflexively bouncing back to an existential threat by growing, augmenting, or strengthening resources.

    3. Minimize strategy. Obama's campaign dispensed almost entirely with strategy in its most naïve sense: strategy as gamesmanship or positioning. They didn't waste resources trying to dominate the news cycle, game the system, strong-arm the party, or out-triangulate competitors' positions. Rather, Obama's campaign took a scalpel to strategy - because they realized that strategy, too often, kills a deeply-lived sense of purpose, destroys credibility, and corrupts meaning.

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    4. Maximize purpose. Change the game? That's 20th century thinking at its finest - and narrowest. The 21st century is about changing the world. What does "yes we can" really mean? Obama's goal wasn't simply to win an election, garner votes, or run a great campaign. It was larger and more urgent: to change the world.

    Bigness of purpose is what separates 20th century and 21st century organizations: yesterday, we built huge corporations to do tiny, incremental things - tomorrow, we must build small organizations that can do tremendously massive things.

    And to do that, you must strive to change the world radically for the better - and always believe that yes, you can. You must maximize, stretch, and utterly explode your sense of purpose.

    5. Broaden unity. What do marketers traditionally do? Segment and target, slice and dice. We've become great at dividing markets into tinier and tinier bits. But we're terrible at unifying them. Yet Obama succeeded not through division, but through unification: we are, he contended, "not a collection of Red States and Blue States -- We are the United States of America".

    Obama intuitively understands a larger truth of next-generation economics. Unified markets are what a world driven to collapse by hyperconsumption is desperately going to need. We're going to need not a hundred different kinds of razors - and their spiralling costs of complexity and waste - but a single razor that everybody, from the slums of Rio to the lofts of Tribeca, is overjoyed to use.

    6. Thicken power. The power many corporations wield is thin power: the power to instill fear and inculcate greed. True power is what Obama has learned wield: the power to inspire, lead, and engender belief. You can beat people into subjugation - but you can never command their loyalty, creativity, or passion. Thick power is true power: it's radically more durable, less costly, and more intense.

    7. Remember that there is nothing more asymmetrical than an ideal. Obama ended his last speech before the election by saying: "let's go change the world." Why are those words important? Because the world needs changing. A world riven by economic meltdown, religious conflict, resource scarcity, and intractable poverty and violence - such a world demands fresh ideals. We must mold and shape a better world - or we will surely all suffer together. As Obama said: "we rise or fall ... as one people."

    In such a world, forget about a short-lived, often meaningless "competitive advantage". It's a concept built for the 20th century. In the 21st century, there is nothing more asymmetrical - more disruptive, more revolutionary, or more innovative -- than the world-changing power of an ideal.

    Where are the ideals in your organization? What ideals are missing - absent, bankrupt, stolen - from your economy, industry, or market? What ideals will you fight and struggle for - and live? Because the ultimate problem with industrial-era business was, as Wall Street has so convincingly demonstrated, this: there weren't any.

    That seventh lesson is the starting point for tomorrow's radical innovators - because it's the thread that knits the others together. And it's where you should start if you want to use these seven rules to start building 21st century institutions - whether businesses, non-profits, social enterprises, or political campaigns.

    As a young brown American, I couldn't be more deeply or powerfully inspired by the "defining moment" of an Obama presidency. Yet, the seeds of a new challenge have been planted by that victory: for us to harness the lessons of his quiet revolution.

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    The Art of Effective Communication Skills for Managers


    Man is a social animal. He does not live in a vacuum. He lives in an environment. He lives in the society. Communication is the invisible thread that binds him to society. Communication may be written or oral .But more than the written communication; it is the oral communication that builds human relationships. It enables mankind to exchange ideas, feelings, emotions, love and affection to other human beings. The importance of communication can be gauged from what we are communicating in some form or the other almost every moment of our lives. Whether we are walking, talking, playing, sitting or even sleeping, a message is being formulated and transmitted to a person or persons. For the listener it is necessary to understand the communication and apply or modify it in a suitable manner. It is composite of symbols, gestures, and illustrations that accompany either the spoken or the written words.


    Oral communication takes the form of a speech. Speech may be formal or informal. Informal speech is made during the day-to-day life. For instance, parents speak to children and vice versa; friends and relatives communicate, businessmen and customers communicate, teachers and students communicate to each other in the learning process. Formal speech, on the other hand, is made on occasions. It may be a social occasion like festival, political occasion like electioneering or business meetings. Whatever may be the type, oral speech must be delivered effectively. When it is ineffective the purpose is lost. The entire effort taken by the speaker, to draft and deliver the speech becomes a colossal waste. A personnel manager has to speak to his subordinates to get work done through them. A production manager has to instruct his workers about executing his work. A finance manager has to explain the prospects of investment to investors. A marketing manager has to speak to his customers for promoting his products. A general manager has to communicate to all employees under various circumstances. The chairman has to address the share holders in a general body meeting. The importance of speech depends on how effectively it is able to achieve the objectives. Thus, speech or oral communication is a "Management Tool".


    A powerful speech can stir people to mutinies to rebellion; it can also make them dispirited or downcast. It converts an agitating mob into a peaceful gathering .Business and political leaders are endowed with the art of good speech; a clergyman delivers sermon to devotees through good speech; and a labour leader binds his fellow workers together to focus their demand for collective bargaining. It is a fact that all these leaders make their speech audience-oriented, interesting and inspiring. A good speaker is lively, earnest; listener oriented and has a sense of responsibility to his audience and his subject of speech. Such a good speaker becomes a mass leader.


    Modern management gurus emphasize the use of oral communication as an effective management tool. However this emphasis has been laid in ancient Tamil literature. One such literature is "Thirukkural", composed by the sage poet Thiruvalluvar, 2000years ago. Thiruvalluvar belongs to the 'Tamil sangam' era patronized by the Tamil Kings of  Pandiyas. Thiruvalluvar had emphasized the importance of managerial concepts like forecasting, planning, organizing and speech making through his poems. His contribution to the management philosophy is very clear and brought out in various forms through many of   his Kurals. There are adequate evidences in his Kural, to prove that he was a super poet, manager, statesman, economist and counselor. As a manager, he advocates effective speech as a tool for successful management of human beings. All these management concepts are relevant even today in modern management practices. In his 65th chapter of Thirukkural, Thiruvalluvar speaks volumes about the quality and need for good speech. This is evident from the following equivalent meaning of the ten 'kurals' or 'Couplets'..

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    According to Thiruvalluvar, the following are the characteristics of good speech:

    * Good speech is like valuable asset or wealth which can not be matched with any other wealth.

    * Use of soft words in speech will earn fame whereas harsh words will bring misery both to the speaker and listener.

    * An effective speech is attractive to listeners; it is capable of attracting the attention of uninterested people also.

    * A speaker should weigh the pros and corns of using some words and use the appropriate words, so as to bind the audience.

    * Care should be taken to select the most appropriate words for use in a speech with a view to win over the people, only such words will earn the desired virtues and values.

    * It is the duty of the speaker to impress the listener with meaning ful words. In other words he should make the speech understandable.

    * A powerful speech empowers the audience with strong ideas even to defeat their competitors easily.

    * The use of sweet and cogent words in speech will help motivating the listeners to do what the speaker wants.

    * A speaker who fails to use flawless and clear words does not achieve his goals.

    * It is essential that a speech should disseminate knowledge to the audience; otherwise it will be like a bunch of flowers without fragrance.


    In brief, Thiruvalluvar's ideas can be summarized and called as his ten commandments for making effective speech.

    They are as follows:

    1. Ensure good quality of  speech.

    2. Use soft and sweet words in speech.

    3. Incorporate attractive messages in the speech.

    4. Adopt powerful words that can bind the audience.

    5. Select words that can win over the minds of people.

    6. Make your speech impressive to listeners.

    7. Enlighten the audience with correct and flawless message.

    8. Make the speech sweet, cogent and interesting.

    9. Deliver the speech with clarity of thought and without any flaw.

    10. Ensure your speech disseminates knowledge and wisdom.

    Communication starts from and ends with the sender. The sender has to get a feed back about his communication. The feedback is what the receiver understands and reacts to the message. It is a two way process. The process gets ended only when the receiver understands the information sent by the sender in the same way, as he perceived it, so whoever the sender may be, and for whatever the purpose of communication it may be, if the speaker follows the "Ten Commandments of Thiruvalluvar", it would lead him to success.


    On the basis of the above study, it can be concluded that every manager should possess the above Ten Commandments for the successful running of any organizations. Modern management calls for more than developing a product or service, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible to all customers. Companies must also communicate with present and potential stakeholders, and with the general public. To fulfill this process oral communication can be grabbed as an exact tool, with could be sharpened by the commandments of thiruvalluvar.

    By Prof. M.R. Vanithamani Asst. Professor School of Management

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    Honesty is Still the Best Policy

    Once a general manager wanted to test his people who had come from all over India, about their values of life.

    He announced that in their seminar folder, there is PVC pouch and in it there is a seed. When they return, they must put it in a good soil in a pot and look after it very well.

    He would hold a competition in the next year's seminar and that the best plants would be awarded suitably. 

    Everyone did what was told to him. A year passed quickly. And next year in a big hall, there were hundreds of pots and a great variety of plants-a great scene.

    Except one pot in which the soil was there and no plant! The owner was standing quietly and seemingly ashamed of himself!

    The general manager called him on the stage. He asked him what happened and he told him the truth. He planted the seed which he was given and did that was to be done- but nothing happened!

    The general manager declared him the winner!

    Everyone was shocked. It was announced, "Gentlemen! The seeds I gave you were boiled seeds. You planted them and nothing happened! You acted smartly and used some other seeds.

    This man was honest to his work and, therefore he did not cheat me or himself!"

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