
50 Ways To Live Better and Survive Tough Times

Contributed by: Asian Woman (i_asianwoman @ yahoo.com)

1.       Cook from scratch with friends or family every month

2.       Learn to play a musical instrument or sing

3.       Learn to dance

4.       Learn another language

5.       Take care of someone else's kids at least once a month

6.       Make friends within walking distance

7.       Form a neighborhood association

8.       Invest in a wool sweater and turn the heat down

9.       Make more time with friends

10.   Create a relationship with someone in another country

11.   Start your own vegetable garden

12.   Replace your lawn with native plants

13.   Collect rain water

14.   Eat 10 percent within 10 miles

15.   Eat in season

16.   Use 25 percent less water in your home

17.   Create 25 percent less garbage

18.   Compost

19.   Give something away

20.   Turn off the TV and read a book

21.   Turn off the computer and go for a walk

22.   Work less and spend less

23.   Leave where you are - Come back

24.   Move into a smaller house

25.   Convert your car to electric

26.   Ride the bus

27.   Carpool

28.   Walk to work

29.   Ride a bicycle to the grocery store

30.   Build sidewalks

31.   Shop locally

32.   Write your own news

33.   Start a blog

34.   Get rid of stuff you don't need through Craig's List or Freecycle

35.   Buy used

36.   Vote on paper

37.   Forgive

38.   Talk to your neighbors

39.   Talk to your enemies

40.   Fear not

41.   Buy and read only online magazines

42.   Encourage schools to require community service

43.   Tutor/mentor a young one

44.   Don't print that e-mail

45.   Make a friend who is two generations older or younger

46.   Turn off your cell phone and e-mail and talk to someone face-to-face

47.   Get involved in a local political campaign

48.   Explore the nearest wilderness area

49.   Repair something instead of throwing it away

50.   Create a park nearby

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