
Health Benefits of Peanuts

Contributed by: Nanci Baren (http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/arubyrogers)

Peanut butter sandwiches... Salted shelled peanuts... Unshelled, unsalted... However you like to eat your peanuts, there's no denying that these wonderful little legumes are a healthy choice in the diet

Just a small handful of peanuts (about 1/4 cup) provides all of the following health benefits:

-Cardiovascular Health-

Studies have shown that eating peanuts lower a person's risk of weight gain and promotes heart health... By and large the best benefit of peanuts is their ability to prevent against certain cardiovascular diseases... Magnesium, along with sodium and zinc are beneficial minerals that are useful in preventing heart disease... Anyone looking to cut down on their intake of red meat can benefit from the protein found in just a handful or two of peanuts... When considering this along with their mineral content, peanuts offer tremendous cardiovascular benefit... Additionally, vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce a person's risk of coronary disease... Peanuts also contain omega 6 fatty acids, which is one of the "good" fats commonly known as "essential fatty acids"... These aid in lowering the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the bloodstream


Peanuts provide enough fiber and water to help keep a person regular... Plant fiber in particular helps keep the good bacteria in the gut well fed so that it can do its job in effectively breaking down the foods we eat... With just a handful of peanuts, you are ingesting almost 10 percent (2 grams) of the daily recommended amount of fiber... Eaten peanuts just a few times each week can prevent the formation of gallstones, and lowers the risk of colon cancer


Niacin, folate and other B vitamin complexes may decrease the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's and other degenerative brain disease... They are also important in preventing birth defects, which makes them a good snack for pregnant women

-Bone Health-

Peanuts contain small amount of calcium and vitamin D... Together these two promote good bone health, including healthy teeth... Studies have shown that people who maintain healthy levels of calcium and vitamin D before age thirty, are less likely to develop osteopenia or osteoporosis later in life

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