
Confidence in Yourself

"If you put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price."


Confidence is honoring yourself...

taking action to build self-esteem.

What we believe, we create.

If we believe that we are somehow "not enough",

that is the very image we project.

What we project we also tend to attract.

Those who are self-critical,

or who feel "less than" others,

will tend to draw people

and circumstances into their lives

that are not in their best interests.

We live in a consumer society

which sends the message that

we never have enough.

We feel compelled to acquire things

to make us thinner,

less wrinkled, more beautiful, powerful etc.

The end result often leaves people

feeling empty at the end of the day.

Direct your attention instead

to your positive qualities & talents.


Confidence doesn't come from diet pills,

beauty products, or any other "confidence" creator.

Confidence is the result of focusing on

our natural talents and positive qualities.

The more confident we become,

the more capable we are.

The end result of developing a

strong sense of self worth

is that we begin to naturally attract

healthier conditions and healthier relationships.


And, remember, what you think about, you bring about!

Contributed by: Aarthi Vijayasarathy

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