
The Secret of Secrets: TRANSFORM your life

There is no magic in this, yet the results are absolutely fantastic.  Try it and if it works, recommend it to others.  Do us a small favour by referring people back to this site to read this article rather than forwarding it to them.  We would consider it a small act of gratitude on your part.  Many thanks in advance and we would be obliged.

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Please take a plain white sheet of paper.  Split it into two parts – personal and official.  Write down five points each.

There are only two things that you need to write down in a sheet

1) Failing to do what you are supposed to do

2) Doing what you know you are not supposed to do

Prioritize! Pick the point which you assigned more priority in ( Failing to do what you are supposed to do) and write that in a fresh white sheet and keep it in your pocket / purse read it once in every 3 hours, am sure you would end up following it.

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Do this for only 21 days.  This has the capacity to transform your life.  This is the short-cut time management tool, the ultimate secret for prioritization.


If it works for you, tell the world!  If it does not, tell us.

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