
Love has no law (by Sita Krishnan)

It was Inayat Shah's birthday and the Master was sitting in audience on open grounds. People were singing and dancing. Some dancing girls had joined them in celebrations. Bulla who was standing far and watching them, afraid of going in his Master's presence, devised a plan.

He went back to his house, disguised himself in women's clothes  and slowly and steadily joined these women who were dancing and singing in front of the audience and Inayat Shah.

As the Master knew who had joined them, at once recognized Bulla!!!  While pointing his fingers at Bulla in disguise, he shouted - Batao bhai, kia tum Bulla ho?? (although Bulla was in disguise of a woman, he could not fool his master)

Bulla recognized his Master's voice, tears were raining down from his eyes. At once he fell down on his feet and said - Haan mein Bhooliya hoon!!! (Bhooliya means once who is lost!!!)

Inayat Shah recognized his favorite star disciple and at once stood up and embraced Bulla and hugged him!!!

To say the least Bulla Sayeed gave up his family name right in the presence of everyone and said "From now on, I will be known as Bulla Shah!!! because my murshid is a Shah!!! I dare anyone lift even a finger at my Guru, and you will hear what I will have to say to such miscreants!!!"

So, brothers and sisters, the delay in accepting the Master's glory and majesty is from us, our ego is a big hindrance. We do not wish to leave our individual identity!!! How are we going to be with our Master on spiritual planes?? Success belongs to them, who recognize themselves as nothing compared to their Guru and surrender themselves at his feet!!! It is your LOVE that Master wants and nothing else!! He is willing to embrace you provided you give up everything!!!

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