
Job Analysis

Job analysis is the process of determining and recording all the pertinent information about a specific job, including the tasks involved, the knowledge and skill set required to perform the job, the responsibilities attached to the job and the abilities required to perform the job successfully.  Job analysis differentiates one job from the other, in an organization and is based on observation and study.  It is also referred to as job review or job classification. 


Job analysis provides the basic foundation for many of the Personnel activities.  The analysis involves compiling a detailed description of tasks, determining the relationship of the job to technology and to other jobs and examining the knowledge, qualifications or employment standards, accountabilities and other incumbent requirements.  In short, job analysis is a recording of all the activities involved in a job and the skill and knowledge requirements of the performer of the job.


Job analysis gives details of what is being done and the skills utilized in the job.  It enables the management to under job and job structures and to improve productivity.  It also helps job design or redesign, coordinating demands on available time and desired performances.


Job analysis provides the necessary inputs for a number of personnel activities like recruitment, selection, job design, estimating job worth, training, development and appraisal.  These activities depend on job analysis and its end products for their own functioning.  They help in evaluating a candidate against the requirements of the job and selecting the most suitable one.  Job analysis also helps management in evaluating the relative worth of each job, which would be one of the basic inputs in designing the compensation system.


Job analysis plays a key role in designing and managing the performance appraisal system in an organization.  It helps in identifying the key responsibility areas for a position and then setting the goals or objectives for this appraisal period. 


The process of analyzing a job comprises of certain basic steps:-


Information Gathering

The first step is to gather all necessary information.  This includes information on the organization structure, the role of the job in relation to other jobs in the organization, the class of jobs to which it belongs, and a detailed description of the activities and responsibilities involved in the job.  This information is collected through observation and study. 


Competency Determination

The second step is the ascertain the competencies required for the job based on the study and observation.  This can also be done with inputs from the employees in the jobs being analyzed. 


Developing a Job Description

The third step is to describe the tasks, responsibilities, duties and functions of the job. 


Developing a Job Specification

The job specification provides a complete list of competencies and qualifications required to match the job description.  This is also prepared based on study, comparison or direct inputs from the job-holders.


The diagram below is more illustrative:




Four kinds of documentation and procedures that are crucial to personnel activities are produced by Job Analysis, viz. Job descriptions, job specifications, job evaluation and personnel assessment. There are various methods of job analysis, viz. observation method, individual interview method, group interview method, questionnaire method, technical conference method, diary method. 




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