
Career Planning & Management

Manpower is the most valuable resource in any organization.  It needs to be maintained and developed continually to realize the goals and objectives of the organization.  A career can be defined as a sequence of positions, roles or jobs held by one person over a relatively long time span.  It can also be defined as a sequence of separate but related or connected work/life activities that provides continuity, order and meaning in a person's life.  A career therefore represents an organized path taken by an individual across time and space.


The process whereby each employee personally plans career goals is known as individual career planning and the process whereby the organization plans career goals for its employees is known as organizational career planning.  It means helping the employees to plan their career in terms of their capabilities within the context of organizational needs.  Career planning attempts to harmonize the organizational needs to individual aspirations, such that the employees in the process of achieving what they aspire for, would improve the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization.


Career Management is the process of designing and implementing goals, plans and strategies that enable HR professionals and managers to satisfy workforce needs and allow individuals to achieve their career objectives.  Career development programs help in the achievement of career objectives.  It is an ongoing and formalized effort that focuses on developing enriched and more capable work force.


There are four distinct elements of career planning & development programs:


*         Individual assessment and Need analysis.

*         Organizational Assessment and Opportunity analysis.

*         Need-Opportunity alignment.

*         Career counseling.


An effective career planning and development program improves the ability of the organization to attract and retain talented personnel.  Career development is the process by which employees progress through a series of stages, each characterized by a different set of developmental tasks, activities and relationships.  A well planned and well executed career development program is beneficial for the organization as well as its employees.  Organizational planning of employee career paths to fill up future vacancies with the best replacements from within the organization is termed as succession planning.  Succession planning helps in identifying future incumbents of key positions in an organization.


Individual aspirations and career opportunities can change depending on various factors like changes in personal objectives, financial or other compulsions, new inclinations, etc.  Similarly, opportunities can change due to technological, socio-economic, political and organizational changes.  The organization and the individual have therefore to work in concert to manage the changing aspirations and opportunities for a successful and satisfying career.  Career planning is therefore the process of harmonizing the needs of the organization with innate aspiration of the employees. 


Career planning and management – objectives and purposes


  1. It is a stepping stone to succession planning, it helps an organization to seek replacements from within rather than recruit outsiders.  In case of a sudden vacancy, it would be wiser and in the interests of both the organization and the employee.
  2. Competent and talented resources are attracted to and retained in an organization which encourages career planning.
  3. Employee attrition / turnover rates can be reduced by providing avenues for promotion and career growth.
  4. The employees remain highly motivated and the morale is higher.
  5. Maintaining cordial relations and ensuring a stable and satisfied workforce.
  6. It is a must for effective and efficient management for one of the most important resources in an organization, to nurture and aid their growth means to optimize productivity and ensure organizational growth.
  7. Training and development helps mapping of careers and career paths to an employee's skill and abilities.
  8. Employees remain more focused on their job and are clear about the skills and abilities that they need to acquire to grow within the organization. 



Benefits of Career planning & Management to an organization


  1. Well planned and well executed career planning programs are beneficial for employees as well as the organization.  A comprehensive and ideal career development program would enable an organization to manage its human resources in a much better fashion. 
  2. Manpower planning determines the changing resource requirements of an organization and career development helps in meeting the resource requirements.  This is achieved by aligning the individual aspirations with the organizational needs to optimize resource use.
  3. Career development results in lower employee turnover by matching individual aspirations with organizational needs.
  4. A comprehensive planning exercise by the organization ensures growth opportunities for all the employees.  Career planning also helps in maintaining the percentage of employees of different categories at each level in the organization.
  5. A good career development program can help in handling the expectations of the employees, thereby reducing frustration levels. Career counseling, an integral part of career management, helps employees set more realistic and achievable goals for themselves.



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