
All Pervading Compassion

In the Gurbani, Guru Nanak Dev says: "The one who follows the path of benevolence and rectitude earns the appreciation of all".

A Rig Veda sukti suggests we tread a path which is good for everybody and brings happiness to all. Sage Yamacharya tells Nachiketa: "The path of shreya enables you to do good everyday to all including yourself. The other path, preya, is taken by those who think only about their own good".

All human beings fall into three categories. Those who try to do good to others even if it means putting themselves into trouble are devata. They are like trees that gave shade even to those who are cutting them down.

The devata prays for the well-being of even those who torment him. Next come those who do good to others only if it means it involves no loss or trouble to them but they desist from doing anything bad. "Mera bhi kalyan, tumhara bhi kalyan".

Such persons are manushya. And the last category is those who do not mind putting themselves into trouble or loss to harm others. They feel delight in seeing others in trouble. They are asura. It is not easy being a devata.

However, while we try to be at least manushya, we can surely refrain from being asura. The Bhagavad Gita says that the ignorant work for their own profit while the wise work for common welfare, looking beyond their own concerns.

Strive constantly to serve the welfare of the world; by devotion to selfless work, one attains the supreme goal in life.

It was by such work that king Janaka attained to perfection; others too, have followed this path.

Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati, expounding on one of the principles of Arya Samaj, implores us not to feel happy and satisfied only in our own success and growth but try to derive happiness in the advancement of everybody in the spirit of "Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam".

The world is one family. There is a Japanese story which shows how even small creatures are selflessly engaged in the service of their fellow beings. In Japan, the walls of the houses are generally wooden and have hollow space.

During renovation work in one of the houses, when the wall was being repaired, the owner noticed a lizard inside the hollow space, stuck to the wall.

When it didn't leave that place, he found that a nail hammered from outside had passed through one of its feet to the other end which didn't allow it to move.

He realised that the nail was driven when the wall was constructed a few years back. So how could a lizard survive all these years without food? He stopped the work to study the amazing spectacle.

To his bewilderment, another lizard was feeding this lizard. If a tiny lizard could feed another lizard for years without giving up hope then a man who is supposed to be endowed with best of senses should display greater empathy, compassion and love.

The second part of the Rig Veda sukti asks us to lead our lives like the sun and the moon. As the sun sustains everybody with its light and heat; so should a man by his actions. Let your life bring light and warmth to others but while doing this remain in maryada — be humble and don't allow arrogance to take over.

Karna of Mahabharata was known as Surya Putra and like the sun he gave to others what he possessed. Following this path, he earned more glory than what his other brothers did.


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