
The Concise Guide for Job Interviews - Part 4

Where to find company information


Information relating to companies, financial data, industries and business trends is available in business magazines which often publish on the World Wide Web and allow you to order Annual Reports relating to specific companies.

Companies often have their own web site.

Newspapers – search on-line press reports including archived articles.

Local library.


Interview Tips - Presentation


Obviously you should be clean and smart in appearance but you should also dress appropriately for the position, for example: a student placement that is more expensively dressed than the Managing Director may have a negative impact.


Clothes should be on the conservative side, which is more acceptable to people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. After all, you are asking to be accepted into the company. Therefore always avoid extremes in hair, clothes, make-up and jewellery. Taking trouble over your appearance shows the employer that the job is important to you.


Interview Tips - Travel


ü       Arrive 15 minutes early.

ü       Make sure you have the correct address and know how you will get there:

ü       Parking? Public transport access?

ü       Do a dummy run if you are not sure.

ü       Make sure you have a mobile phone and a telephone number so that you can ring ahead if circumstances beyond your control are making you late.

ü       Be polite to everyone you speak to, it could be the Managing Director's cousin! Have a copy of your CV with you.




ü       You should show interest in all aspects of the job and the company especially if shown around the premises.

ü       Do your homework on the company and the nature of its business.

ü       Take care in how you dress for the interview. First impressions still count!


Some of the main influences on the interviewer are:


  1. Your experience in other employment or life situations
  2. Your personal presentation. How your personality comes across in the interview
  3. Your background and references
  4. Your enthusiasm for both the job and the organisation.
  5. Relevant qualifications for the position.



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