
Home Remedies for the Heart

The human heart is a marvelous organ. Its function is to supply blood through all pats of the body. The motions of the heart are maintained by a specially designed structure known as sinoatrial node or SA node.


Palpitation of the heart is a common problem causing real discomfort in the heart and chest. It may arise from a number of causes, most of which are not related to the heart. Anything that increases the workload of the heart may bring on these feelings of discomfort. Some people experience palpitation when lying on the left side, because the heart is nearer the chest wall.


Heart block occurs when the electric waves of the heart are slowed down or interrupted in some portion of their normal work. In some cases this may interfere with the normal rhythm or motion of the heart.


Heart failure is a serious condition that develops when the heart is no longer able to carry its normal work. Heart failure may arise from a number of different conditions such as high blood pressure, coronary thrombosis, kidney disease, rheumatic fever, diphtheria and low thyroid activity. Anything that obstructs the normal flow of blood, such as mitrial or aortic stenosis, will produce severe heart attack


Angina pectoris is a sharp, stabbing or crushing pain in the chest. Sometimes this pain may also occur in other areas such as the left shoulder, arm or jaw. These pains are brought on either by exercise or by emotional stress.


Coronary artery disease is the most common of all forms of the heart disease. More people die from coronary thrombosis then from all other forms of diseases. Cholesterol is also an important factor; many patients of heart disease have a high cholesterol level in the blood.


Coronary thrombosis or coronary occlusion is one of the most serious conditions affecting the heart. In most cases there is very severe pain and often a state of shock.


Atherosclerosis is a term that is used to describe a dangerous build up of sticky plaques inside the arteries.



{Always consult your doctor before you try anything yourself}


  • Grapes are one of the most effective home remedies for heart palpitation. The patient should take the juice of this fruit at regular intervals. This will relieve the condition.
  • Guava is another effective home remedy for palpitation of the heart. Eating a ripe guava daily on an empty stomach is beneficial if this disorder caused by nervousness and anemia.
  • The leaves of snake gourd have been found beneficial in the treatment of palpitation of the heart. The juice of these leaves should be extracted and given in doses of one to two tablespoons thrice daily.
  • Honey is considered to be an excellent food for the heart being easily digested and assimilated. Mix a glass of water, with a tablespoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon, before going to bed.
  • Spikenard is also beneficial in the treatment of palpitation of the heart. It stimulates the action of the heart. It should be taken in doses of two to three grams with the addition of a pinch of camphor and cinnamon.
  • Boil 4-5 cloves of garlic in a glass of milk and consume the garlic cloves with milk daily to avoid chest pain.
  • Take pound of dates with the seeds and eat them every day.
  • Ginger and lime intake is also very effective for heart care.
  • Make a powder of urad dhal and eat it regularly.
  • Mix a glass of milk with kadukai powder every night before going to bed. This is very useful home remedy for heart care.
  • Take a spoon of tulsi juice with honey in empty stomach every day.
  • Prepare a mixture by adding powdered aniseed, dry coriander, and jaggery. Equal quantities of each of these three substances should be powdered. About six grams of this mixed powder should be taken after each meal by the patient suffering from palpitation of the heart.
  • The patient suffering from palpitation of the heart should take a simple diet of natural foods, with more fresh fruits, and raw or lightly cooked vegetables.
  • The patient should avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, chocolate, soft drinks, all white flour products, sugar, food colorings, chemical additives, white rice, and strong condiments.
  • Ginseng is proved to be very effective remedy for high blood pressure.
  • Eating right foods, a daily moderate exercise program, getting proper sleep and learning to relax are some of the methods to protect heart from diseases.
  • Turmeric is a very good remedy. It helps by lowering serum cholesterol and by preventing the formation of the internal blood clots improves circulation and prevents heart disease and stroke.
  • Use onion juice to reduce cholesterol, clean the blood, and regulate the heart. This is also very useful home remedy for heart care.
  • Lecithin is also helpful to prevent the heart disease. Cholesterol cannot build up against the walls of the arteries and veins. Lecithin also increases the production of bile acids made from cholesterol, thereby reducing its amount in the blood




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