
Just Six Steps to Controlling Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, is a condition in which a person’s blood pressure becomes so low that it causes symptoms like dizziness, fainting, fatigue, nausea, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, palpitations, and cold, clammy skin.  Although not as common as hypertension or high blood pressure, it still manifests in a small proportion of the populace, often due to psychosomatic reasons. 

Low blood pressure results in inadequate flow of blood to vital organs such as the brain, kidneys and the heart itself.  Physical reasons include dehydration, nutritional deficiencies due to self-imposed diets, decrease in blood volume, endocrine disorders but psychosomatic causes are more likely in a majority of the cases.  It is also quite probable that psychosomatic reasons for low blood pressure can manifest in other physical problems such as lower back pain, etc.

Although it is advisable to tackle the psychosomatic causes with psychological tools such as hypnosis, NLP and other psychological tools, one can still control the incidence with lifestyle and dietary habits.  Here are the few things that you must do –

Mindfulness Meditation

It is a proven fact that meditation helps high blood pressure, but it can aid low blood pressure too, if the activity is well directed and coupled with mindfulness to ascertain psychosomatic causes.  The easiest, almost effortless manner in which you can be mindful and attain alpha levels of mind is Nirmiti Nidra. 


Drinking 30 ml of Aloe Vera Juice every morning along with lemon water to balance the pH levels is very important.  Since hydration is often a cause, make it two glasses of warm water as soon as you wake up, first thing in the morning.  Refer to the previous article for more details.  Raw carrot + beetroot juice is helpful in dealing with high as well as low blood pressure. For hypotension, drink a cup of carrot + beetroot juice twice daily for about one week and then at least 5 cups per week. 


Holy basil is beneficial for low blood pressure because it is rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and pantothenic acid. Furthermore, it helps balance the mind and reduces stress.  You can chew four to five basil leaves daily in the morning.  Licorice root is another popular home remedy for normalizing low blood pressure caused by low levels of cortisol. It blocks the enzyme that breaks down cortisol and supports healthy adrenalin function. It is also effective in curing chronic fatigue syndrome.  Rosemary is believed to be useful in normalizing low blood pressure because it stimulates the central nervous system and improves circulation.

Salt and Sodium

Salt water helps treat low blood pressure because the sodium in salt increases blood pressure. Do not overdo this remedy though, as excess salt can prove to be unhealthy. Simply mix one-half teaspoon of salt in a glass of water and drink it. You can also drink sports beverages. 


A cup of strong coffee every morning or hot chocolate or any caffeinated beverage can also temporarily increase your blood pressure. It is smart to drink this beverage at a time when you normally experience fatigue or low pressure symptoms.  You can also have it along with meals – since pressure tends to drop after meals for most people, it makes sense to have low carb meals several times a day followed by a half cup of coffee.


Soak about 5 to 8 almonds in water overnight.  The next morning, peel off the skin and grind the almonds into a smooth paste along with a little milk.  Thereafter, boil the paste in milk and drink a cup of this along with your breakfast each morning.

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