
Home Remedies For Hiccups

1. Place a tablespoon of sugar in mouth and suck slowly. In most cases, it is a sure remedy.

2. Hold your breath as long as possible, and let it go out. The lungs expand and push down on the diaphragm, stopping hiccups immediately.

3. Mix 2 teaspoon common salt in a cup of plain yogurt and eat. In most cases, it is a good remedy.

4. Boil ½ teaspoon of cardamom fresh powder in 2 cups of water till about 1 cup remains. Sieve it and drink a glassful of this warm water.

5. For recurring hiccups, suck small pieces of fresh ginger.

6. Plug your ears with your fingers and drink something with a straw.

7. Lay on your back.

8. Put a paper bag over your mouth and nose and breathe several times.

9. For some eating a spoonful peanut butter stops hiccups immediately. It can work for children also.

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